Can you log into and then make sure you can run ssh and get to JASMIN without any prompt for passphrase or other input.
In particular that you have an ssh-agent running and have added the jasmin ssh-key to it. The connection must not ask for a passphrase or any other information in order for pptransfer to work correctly.
I think I have found my mistake as I added the agent lines to my .profile not to .bash_profile and now can log into xfer1 without a password. Thank you for your help. My suite is reading as ‘retrying’ on the Puma Rose-Bush Tasklist, is it possible to manually restart only the pptransfer tasks?
Since the update to the .bash_profile and removing the line from .profile I am now receiving a RosePOpenError when I try to run the suite:
[FAIL] ssh -oBatchMode=yes bash --login -c ‘ROSE_VERSION=2016.11.1\ rose\ suite-run\ -v\ -v\ --name=u-cj051\ --run=run\ --remote=uuid=21c884c1-33da-4abc-aacb-95e8c740e61b,root-dir=$DATADIR’ # return-code=127, stderr=
[FAIL] bash: rose: command not found
As this is all I have changed I am guessing this is related to the profiles and have checked that when I log into Archer2 via Puma I get the response:
‘puma$ ssh
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Comand rejected by policy. Not in authorised list
Connection to closed.’
as expected from 1. Getting set up — NCAS Unified Model Introduction
Sorry to ask again, I am worried my resolving of the issue before has simply created another issue!
You’ll need to move the setup of the UM environment into the ~/.bash_profile too as the presence of the ~/.bash_profile means the ~/.profile won’t be run.
# Setup environment for running the UM under Rose
. /work/y07/shared/umshared/bin/rose-um-env