Finding start dumps on MASS via JASMIN moose client


I am working on setting up a suite to run a coupled UKESM CMIP6 style SSP2-4.5 simulation on Archer2. My method so far has been to take the suite which was run on MetO Cray (u-be537), and then repeat all the porting steps made on the UKESM historical suite (u-bc613/archer2).

My new suite is u-cy926. My suite currently fails on recon, as I haven’t been able to give it appropriate paths to start dump files.

I understand that the standard process for getting start dumps on ARCHER2 is to get them from MASS using the moose client on JASMIN, then copy over from JASMIN to ARCHER2. However, i’m struggling to locate the start files I need.

For the original SSP245 run, and other suites which were run on MetO Cray, the start dumps are in directories like:

Do you know if I am able to access these start dumps via JASMIN/moose, and if so, where?



Hi Alistair,

I’ve retrieved the files from the Met Office HPC. I’ve put them on ARCHER2 under /work/n02/n02/ros/temp/for_alistair. Please copy them to your work area.


Hi Ros,

Thanks very much, that’s really helpful. I’ve copied them over to my work area on Archer2 now.

Is there any chance you could also copy over one other set of start dumps for me, as i’d also to like to run simulations branching from SSP245 in 2035. It’s the following set of files:


Thanks again!


Hi Alistair,

Files retrieved and in /work/n02/n02/ros/temp/for_alistair.


Perfect, thanks again!

Best wishes,
