p.s. I’ve figured out how to update the source via /app/ancil_ozone/rose-app.conf (etc) for all ancil programs except the mask - which is the most important one because it allows all the subsequent ones to run.
I can’t access the default source file $ROSE_DATA/etc/ancil_master/vegetation/cover/igbp/v2/qrdata.igbp
to see what’s in it, so I can’t tell what I should be pointing it to instead. I’ve tried pointing to the /land_sea_mask/qrparm.mask, /vegetation/func_type_modis/qrparm.veg.func and /vegetation/fractions_igbp/qrparm.veg.frac files but they all fail.
Do you know what I need to do to get the CAP to pick up details for producing the mask? (Also well aware that this is more of an answer to this question, not the ERA5 one, but it seems like they’re linked…)