Driving suites with ERA5 ensemble

Hello fellow UM enjoyers

I’m trying to get the nesting suite running forcing it with members of the ensemble that gives ERA5 its uncertainty (i.e. the “ensemble members” tick box on this page). But when you download this as a GRIB, trying to do the same thing as I have done for normal ERA5, it downloads all ensemble members as one grib file, which obviously will be confusing for the recon.

So I tried to use pygrib to split the files into different gribs that look like ERA5 gribs (stored in /work/n02/n02/franmorr/data_files/ec_grib_files/2022_ens/emXX folders representing each of the 10 ensemble members) using a script (/work/n02/n02/franmorr/firstrains-um-utils/ensemble_prep/split_files.py), but when my suite u-do197 tries to use these in recon it gives the following error:

???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!       ERROR        ???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!
?  Error code: 20
?  Error from routine: RCF_FIT_FSAT
?  Error message: Gamma integral should be positive and non-zero.
?  Error from processor: 7
?  Error number: 4

which I think implies that the grib files are not well-formed. Have I made a mistake in separating them or will this data just not play nicely with the recon process? Would it be better for me to download them as netcdf files and try to do recon from netcdfs?

I’m not sure if the ensemble nesting suite might do this better, but I can’t find any up-to-date examples on how to use it, nor does there seem to be a version working on ARCHER2 at the moment.

Please could anyone let me know if they have any thoughts! Cheers :slight_smile:

Hi Fran

Your queries of late have been in areas where we have virtually zero experience, hence our lack of response. It’ll take us a good while to even get up to speed with the problem!
