The problem I asked in the latter half of ticket #3561 in the previous system has not been resolved.
In recent nesting suite I have 3 nests. The land sea mask is created fine when I have the smallest nest off Porto (u-cf930, u-cg028). However, the model suffers from the LSM problem when I set the smallest nest off SW England/Wales (u-cf597).
As shown here the LSM has value 1 everywhere even though the nest includes areas over sea. Sometimes the nest is completely corrupted (also shown in the same ticket).
I initially had a problem in the large nest covering the North Atlantic that land-sea mask was wrong in the east of the prime meridian.
This problem has not been resolved but avoided by finding a domain that does not cause the problem. It looked like the problem happened when a region is set so that it extends to the Eastern Hemisphere only a little bit.
I feel like these problems may be related.
People suggest that I should do ANTS but it isn’t currently working. Also when I turn on ANTS LSM seems to be created before ANTS fails. So I think ANTS might not provide a solution.
I have another problem, which is possibly related to this.
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I have got advice and now I may be able to create land-sea mask and veg fraction ancils with my copy of u-bu503 (u-cg973) using ANTS. (the land region has value not 1 but a strange value when viewed in xconv so I’m still not completely sure if this is working. I have to test. If this is proved to be working,) I think I can copy these ancils to my suite.
Assuming the LSM problem is solved, my next problem is that ancil_sulpdms for the smallest nest (swBrit) in my latest suite u-ch092 (as well as older suite) fails. It says this;
Writing out dataset
Number of fields= 12. POINT 163 LAT 52.0625 LONG 355.9393
POINT 164 LAT 52.0623 LONG 355.9429
POINT 411 LAT 52.0165 LONG 356.8369
POINT 1039 LAT 52.0147 LONG 356.8293
POINT 293733 LAT 51.0234 LONG 355.7759
POINT 362250 LAT 50.6910 LONG 357.4272
Number of points unresolved is 22
Search radius 1
***ERROR: No source data available in target domain
I tried increasing search_radius to 1000 but the number of points unresolved does not change. What else can I do?
The mask used here still appears to be incorrect (comprising all land) - the CAP uses the mask to determine unresolved points, so this may be the cause of the problem – can you try running with the correct mask from ANTS?
I turned on ANTS and ancil_ants_vegfrac failed for both of two nests. But ancil_sulpdms succeeded for the larger nest (Brit2Port) so I guess ANTS may not be the cause of the failure of ancil_ants_vegfrac? What do you think?
I heard that ANTS environment has been removed from Monsoon. However, for some reason it may be working fine for u-cg973 which is my copy of Claudio Sanchez’s u-bu503. So I was thinking maybe I can copy mask and vegfrac ancils from this job. The only problem is the failure of sulpdms. What do you think about this?
copy qrparm.mask_cci and qrparm.veg.frac_cci created in u-cg973 and link them to qrparm.mask and qrparm.veg.frac respectively,
reset status of ancil_ants_vegfrac to succeeded, and then
trigger run on ancil_sulpdms.
I thought it might either run fine or get the same error as before, but it only says “file %r not found…”. I have no clue what file it is looking for. Any idea?
“file %r not found…” was caused by my mistake. I had accidentally uncommented a comment line in my .bashrc.
So I did
let the run fail just as above,
copy qrparm.mask_cci and qrparm.veg.frac_cci created in u-cg973 and link them to qrparm.mask and qrparm.veg.frac respectively,
reset status of ancil_ants_vegfrac to succeeded, and then
trigger run on ancil_sulpdms.
and got exactly the same error as above;
Number of points unresolved is 22
Search radius 1
***ERROR: No source data available in target domain
I’ve increased search radius to 1000 but it says ‘Search radius 1’ above.
It looks like it is using the mask file Regn1/swBrit/qrparm.mask_sea_nolakes to create this ancil and this mask is all land points, hence why you still can’t create the sulpdms ancil.
Thank you, Jeff.
I created symbolic links to the files created by ANTS in u-cg973 like below (this is in /home/d03/myosh/cylc-run/u-ch352/share/data/ancils/Regn1/swBrit/ ).
Now sulpdms fails for wallclock time limit. I extended it to 60 minutes but it fails after running for an hour.
This may mean qrparm.mask_cci cannot be used in place of qrparm.mask_sea_nolakes in sulpdms…
You can tell sulpdms where to get its mask by setting MASKIN in ancil_sulpdms->env->General interpolation ancillary settings
qrparm.mask_cc has a grid of 630x630 points but the swBrit domain in u-ch092 is 315x315 – the mask needs to be on the same grid. Can you set up u-cg973 to create a mask on the correct grid?
Thank you, Grenville.
But the latest suite is u-ch352 and they do seem to me to have the same nest settings to u-cg973. Maybe I forgot committing the suite…just did it.
The sulpdms is getting stuck doing a spiral search for unresolved points. A qrclim.sulpdms does have data for the first 4 months - the field value is constant in the swBrit region – not surprising given the very low resolution of the source data.
It might be simpler to create the remaining sulpdms data by hand (with a bit of python.)