I was running UKESMv11.1 suite well before archer2 login was closed for software upgrade.
I have restarted my suite using ‘rose suite-run --restart’. Model is running but I am getting an error in the postprocessing. The suite ID is ‘u-cw803’.
The postprocessing error message is:
Lmod has detected the following error: The following module(s) are unknown:
“gcc/10.2.0” “cray-hdf5/”
Please check the spelling or version number. Also try “module spider …”
It is also possible your cache file is out-of-date; it may help to try:
$ module --ignore-cache load “gcc/10.2.0” “cray-hdf5/”
Also make sure that all modulefiles written in TCL start with the string
Executing this command requires loading “gcc/10.2.0” which failed while
processing the following module(s):
Module fullname Module Filename
--------------- ---------------
postproc/2022.03 /work/y07/shared/umshared/modulefiles/postproc/2022.03.luaExecuting this command requires loading "cray-hdf5/" which failed while
I think I have missed the cms-helpdesk page banner message “ARCHER2 Major Software Upgrade: Following the ARCHER2 return to service NCAS-CMS will rebuild and reinstall software that we maintain. UM suites will not run until we have completed this work, please wait for an announcement from us before attempting to run UM suites.” and/or previous emails. I thought everything has been installed after the archer2 email dated 14-06-2023. If that is the case then I think I will able to run the suite without any issues once NCAS-CMS rebuild and reinstall software.