Running JULES from

Hi Maria Paula

I think I understand what is going on. The problem is with the specification of the driving data in namelist jules_drive in ~/roses/u-dh119/app/jules/rose-app.conf. The namelist variable file points to /gws/nopw/j04/mohc_shared/isimip-jules/isimip3a/obsclim/20CRv3-ERA5/drive_files.dat. This file contains a list of files of driving data together with the times of the first data in each file. The FATAL ERROR is occurring because the start time of the first file (in 1801) disagrees with the time specified by the namelist variable data_start (in 1993).

One solution would be to create your own cut-down version of the drive_files.dat file starting in 1991 and to modify the file namelist variable to point to it. You would have to start your experiment in 1991 instead of 1993 and you might also have to alter drive_nfiles_hist.

There might be neater solutions.


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