Submit-failed for pptransfer


One of my suites (u-ck767) has status submit-failed for pptransfer task for 19401101T0000Z. Earlier today I had to re-add my key to ssh from ARCHER2 to JASMIN, which may be why this task failed initially (?) but I’m not sure why I still get submit-failed when I trigger the task now.
I think my connections from PUMAtest to ARCHER2, and from ARCHER2 to JASMIN are fine, and other pptransfer tasks (e.g. for suites u-cn849 and u-cn850) ran fine after I retriggered them after re-adding my ssh key.

Best wishes,


Hi Rachel,

In the log/suite/log file you’ll find the error message:

    Connection closed by
        ERROR: command returns 255: ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 env CYLC_VERSION=7.8.7 CYLC_UTC=True TZ=UTC bash --login -c ''"'"'exec "$0" "$@"'"'"'' cylc jobs-submit --utc-mode --remote-mode -- ''"'"'$HOME/cylc-run/u-ck767/log/job'"'"'' 19401101T0000Z/pptransfer/05 looks to unavailable for some reason. I get connection closed to when I try to contact it. Change to another login node; u-cn849 for example is running ok as it is using


Great, thanks so much.

Best wishes,


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