Dear Ros.
Still, in the suite u-ch427-n1280-template, I’m having this error message now.
? Error message: Failed to open file /work/n02/n02/grenvill/cylc-run/u-ce930/share/data/History_Data/ce930a.da19790301_00
About the number of nodes, I was exchanging some messages with Archer2 Support and they told me about:
sacct -j --format=“JobID,NNodes,elapsed”
I’m still testing the options because squeue always starts with 1 because the first process requests only one node.
Thank you for the other hints.
Kind regards, Luciana.
Hi Luciana,
Grenville is just copying /work/n02/n02/grenvill/cylc-run/u-ce930/share/data/History_Data/ce930a.da19790301_00
over from the 4-cab but it will be while before it’s there as the transfer is being very slow. We’ll let you know.
Each task in the suite is submitted as a separate batch job with a separate Slurm JobID so you need to do squeue
on the atmos_main job id - you won’t be able to get any information out of squeue
or sacct
regarding number of nodes for the atmos_main task until it is submitted. If you want this before the task is submitted you’ll have to look yourself at the suite.rc.processed file to see what number of nodes it has calculated.
That’s great. Thank you very much! 
The n1280 version of u-ch427 doesn’t need to run the reconfiguration - please switch it off. I copied the start file /work/n02/n02/grenvill/cylc-run/u-bo026-ens-inc1280/share/data/History_Data/u-b026a.da19790301_00
, which the suite is configured to use.
There one or two more file paths that need changing for n1280
change /work/n02/n02/annette/HRCM/cmip6spectralmonthly
to /work/y07/shared/umshared/HRCM/cmip6spectralmonthly
and change /work/n02/n02/annette/HRCM/easy_aerosol/final/1949-2015/n1280e
to /work/y07/shared/umshared/HRCM/easy_aerosol/final/1949-2015/n1280e
Hopefully that’s all, but see my copy of the suite if I’ve forgotten any