A dumy surface emission file

Hi, I was hoping to introduce an online calculated emission flux for a UKCA chemical species (a tracer not listed in the emission files), thus I do not want o regrid an emission file for it, but rather want to use a “dumy” emission nc file (eg with zero values). Could you please let me know if there is such a file to use? It seems that I have to assign an emission file for it, otherwise an erroe message appeared (u-dk816): Error message: BrCl missing from supplied emissions.

Hi Xin,

UKCA requires all defined emissions to be populated either from a file or from an online source i.e. an internal model field.
If your new emission has an online source, it would be better to define it in src/science/core/emissions/ukca_emiss_mod: ukca_onl_emiss_init routine, following the example of wetland_ch4 (if 2-D) or lightning NOx if 3-D. (after adding it to the em_chem_spec list).

After defining the emission above the values can be calculated and passed to the field in ukca_emiss_ctl, again replicating steps as done for one of the above species.

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