Ancillaries files for nudging the UKESM1-AMIP suite

@Luke. I have removed almost all the diagnostics and now get the following error:
???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!! ERROR ???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!
? Error code: 451
? Error from routine: NUDGING_MAIN
? Error message: Required Diagnostic missing from STASH
? Error from processor: 2
? Error number: 38
The first time I got this I added in the nudge increment diagnostics. But that is not enough. What else should I add? Feel free to point me at documentation…


Hi Simon,

The Nudging module requires an UM diagnostic ‘Pressure at Tropopause level’ (30-451) to be available in the STASH to differentiate between tropospheric and stratospheric regions. This can be requested with Domain profile ‘DIAG’ , Time profile ‘TALLTS’ and Usage profile ‘UPUKCA’ (if available, or any other profile that does not write to output files as this will write every timestep!).

If you are new to Nudging try to familiarise youself with the options from the UM Document on Nudging or feel free to ask me.

Mohit Dalvi
(UM Section Owner - Nudging)
Met Office.

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Dear Mohit,
thanks very much and esp for the link to the documentation. And thanks also for the tip about not writing the diagnostic out. Though I think, for my purposes, it will be handy to have this diagnostic, so I will have it go to output.


Hi Simon,

If you are thinking of writing the diagnostic out then any time profile that ‘samples every timestep’ (e.g. TDMPMN, TMONMN) can be used instead of TALLTS.


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