Ancillaries files for nudging the UKESM1-AMIP suite

Dear CMS,

I am trying to convert the UKESM1-AMIP Vn11.1 free-running suite to a nudged one. It is a copy of u-be303, further developed for adding organic + inorganic Iodine emissions along with wet and dry deposition fluxes.

I am unable to find/locate the ancillaries files required to nudge the suite (u-cv133) on ARCHER2. Can you please point me to where I can get the ancillaries files (e.g. SO2, CH4_biomass) for the Gregorian Calendar? I hope the current sea ice and sst is Okay for the nudged run, if not please point the seaice_amip_n96e.anc and sst_amip_n96e.anc.

Regards, Alok

And I would also like to do this. Though, my related question, for CMS, is how do I convert a free-running model to be nudged? My model is also a copy of u-be303.


Hi Alok, Simon,

Reanalysis datasets used for nudging can be found here




Note that to use ERA5 you will need to include a branch, originally created at vn11.5, for this in ticket um:#5336. I believe that this is the equivalent vn11.1 branch


note that there are metadata changes needed for Rose.

Instructions for turning a free-running UKESM1 suite to a nudged suite can be found on the UKCA website.

Best wishes,

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Hi Luke, thanks very much.

Hi Alok, Simon,

Further, some Gregorian SO2 emissions can be found here:


It should be straight-forward to convert 360-day monthly mean emissions files to Gregorian ones using ncatted, e.g. take a copy of the file you want to use, and then run the command

ncatted -O -a calendar_flexible,time,o,l,1

which will operate on the copy of the file in place to make use of the calendar_flexible metadata to tell UKCA to use a 360-day file for a Gregorian run. More information on the metadata used in netcdf emissions files can be found on the UKCA website.

Best wishes,

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Hi Luke – a long delayed response to this. I am now working with UKESM1.1 which is at UM version 12.1 – is there ERA-5 nudging code for that version? Though I note that the model has an option for ERA-5 so perhaps the code has been wrapped into the trunk.


Hi Simon,

The ERA-5 code should already be in the trunk at that version, so you all you should do is point to the reanalysis files. While there isn’t a vn12.1 job listed here

the vn12.0 or vn13.0 jobs will be similar enough for you to take the settings needed from them. Note that there are changes that might be needed to how the fieldsfiles are output as well as settings for the Gregorian calendar.

Are you working on Monsoon2 or ARCHER2? I’ve got UKESM1.1 nudged suites at UM13.0 on Monsoon2 which I’m trying to get working on ARCHER2 at the moment.

Best wishes,

I think from the nudged UKESM1 page (Nudged UKESM1-AMIP - UKCA) that the only files that need something done to work for 365 day calendar is UKCA emissions for

I see there is /work/y07/shared/umshared/ancil/atmos/n96e/ukca_emiss/aerocom/v2/ which can use the 365 day calendar. But differs from the vn1. Any reason to use vn2 rather than vn1?


Hi Luke,
thanks. I have a UKESM1.1 version working on archer2 – a few changes needed from the default. Config is u-da865. I am working on u-db167 which has a much reduced entirely netcdf output setup. I am first going to make that work with 365 day then nudged.


@Luke Looks like I can’t have netcdf output and gregorian calendar as outputs (from your guidance) as outputs need to go through the climate meaning. I can not see any way of having climate meaning make netcdf :frowning:

However, I have a more significant issue. UKESM1.1 uses easyaerosol for the volcanic files – with files at $CMIP6_ANCILS/n96e/timeseries_1850-2014/VolcanicAod/v3. Those files need the calendar_flexible attribute added. But when I try to do this, I get hdf5 errors. I’ve also tried with the v1 & v2 versions but get the same error. Have you got versions of these with calendar_flexible attributes (or which ncatted works)?

Alternatively, have you got a version 13.0 of UKESM1.1 working on Archer2? If you do, I think it might be a lot easier to move to that and just change the diagnostics I want!


Answer is not to use in place attribute editing…
So ncatted -a calendar_flexible,time,o,l,1

To convert all the existing easyaersol files do, in the directory where you want the modified files, the following:
for f in /work/y07/shared/umshared/CMIP6_ANCIL/data/ancils/n96e/timeseries_1850-2014/VolcanicAod/v3/*.nc ; do g=$(basename $f ) ; echo “$f ->$g” ; ncatted -O -a calendar_flexible,time,o,l,1 $f $g ; done

Hi Simon,

I do have a nudged vn13.0 job on ARCHER2, although I have realised that I’ve made some mistakes in setting up the nudging that I need to address. I know what needs fixing though, so these should be straight-forward. It is also straight-forward to upgrade this to vn13.1 as needed. I’ll let you know when I have a working suite-id.

Best wishes,

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And the files I needed to add calendar_flexible to are all below /work/n02/n02/tetts/ and are:

Hi Simon,

I’ve made up a vn13.1 nudged UKESM1.1 suite that uses ERA-5 nudging and Reynolds SSTs/sea-ice. However, it still seems to have issues issues with file handling for the monthly means. I’ll ask Mohit at the Met Office for further advice.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Hi Simon,

Please try taking my u-db533 suite and see how you get on. Note that the Gregorian calendar means that you need to run in single month chunks. The pptransfer to JASMIN in the first job-step will have an issue as there are no files to archive, so right-click and set this to “succeeded”.

You’ll need to change where it goes to on JASMIN as it’s going to the UKCA GWS. You’ll need to follow the instructions here

to get the pptransfer working.

You can also archive straight to elastic tape

This is a bit more fiddly to set up, but I have suites that do this so let me know if you have any issues.

Many thanks and best wishes,

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Hi Luke,
many thanks! My take is 365 day calendar is not well supported even in the most recent UM configurations. Which is a shame. I will go and copy your suite and then massively reduce the diagnostics!

Hi Simon,

I believe for GC5/UKESM2 the aim is to use a Gregorian calendar as standard, which should hopefully make things easier!

Hopefully everything works OK - let me know how you get on.

Best wishes,

So, I copied your case, modifed userid, target time (1m1d) and group but got a failure at the end of the month.
Got the following warnings:
??? WARNING ???
? Warning code: -100
? Warning from routine: REPLANCA
? Warning message: Ancillary time mean lookup items 1-12 are not compliant with UMDP F03. Field no: 4
? Warning from processor: 0
? Warning number: 68
Then 2x repeats with different warning number’s
and then a final fatal error…

Atm_Step: Timestep 2232 Model time: 1982-02-01 00:00:00
FLUSH_UNIT_BUFFER: Error Flushing Buffered Data


FLUSH_UNIT_BUFFER: Length Requested was 4194304

FLUSH_UNIT_BUFFER: Length written was 8192

???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!! ERROR ???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!
? Error code: 1
? Error from routine: portio2a:flush_unit_buffer
? Error message: Failed in output_buffer()
? Error from processor: 0
? Error number: 74


Hi Simon,

Looking at other people with the same error on this helpdesk, this seems to be a disk space issue.

You may need to clear some space, if you can, or ask @Grenville to increase your quota.

Many thanks and best wishes,

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Thanks. I will do that.