I’m making changes to my ARCHER suites so they use globus instead of gridftp transfer. I’m following the instructions here: IMPORTANT: Retirement of JASMIN Gridftp server
I have 3 runs I need to change: u-de764, u-dk579, and u-dk793. Under fcm_make_pp → configuration → pp_sources, all of these suites have the following branch: fcm:moci.xm-br/dev/rosalynhatcher/postproc_2.3_pptransfer_gridftp_nopw rather than the suggested one from the instructions. I’m not sure if this is just a simple switch, but the instructions advised asking here for some help.
My jasmin.credit runs out tomorrow, and I get an error when I renew it (which I assume is due to me not having globus set up). If possible, could I have some help sorting this out quickly so my models can continue running?
Many thanks,