Cds beta api - problems at glm_recon - STASH 418

Hello CMS

I have recently moved to cds beta api for downloading ERA5 single level and model level data to drive UM. My suites were running alright with the startfiles from the old cdsapi. But I get the following error when I use the startfiles downloaded from cds beta.

Error code: 1
? Error from routine: RCF_CALC_LEN_ANCIL
? Error message: Attempted to process ancillary with STASHcode: 418 however the prognostic will not be present in the output dump. Either remove ancil request or check that science selected in namelists is compatible with this ancil field.
? Error from processor: 0
? Error number: 1100

I have also modified the syntax of my scripts to download ERA5 but to no success.

Or could it be because I am doing it for the year 1999 when the corresponding ancil (418 soil dust clay fraction) may not be available. Please advice. Trying it for a different date to see if it works.

Sid, this might help: Glm recon failing looking for dust clay soil fraction - #11 by AnnetteOsprey

if not this solution, then possibly the thread…?

Many thanks for this Ella. Trying this solution now.

Thanks Ella.

The solution consists of two steps:

  1. Changing the dm.rc file which show that there is no dust in UM start dumps before this date. However, since I am starting with ERA5 file anyway, so this date logic isn’t relevant. Involves modifying the dm.rc file in suite-runtime and changing the date. I have changed this to 202401011200

  2. Even after changing the date in the first step, the model was failing with the same error:

???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!! ERROR ???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!
? Error code: 30
? Error from routine: RCF_RESET_DATA_SOURCE
? Error message: Section 0 Item 418 : Required field is not in input dump!
? Error from processor: 0

I got around by additionally ignoring the UM_ANCIL_VEGFRAC file which calls STASH 0, 418 (dust clay soil fraction).

In glm_um > namelist > Recon and Ancil Control > Configure ancils and initialise dump fields and ignoring UM_ANCIL_SOILDUST_FILE.

Many thanks.

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