Error in old suites with new archer2.rc


Assuming the changes in suite u-ch427 for archer2.rc are correct, I replaced archer2.rc in the old suites (u-bo026-n96-ens3 / u-bo026-n216-ens3 / u-bo026-n512-ens3). Now I’m having this error.

The following have been reloaded with a version change:

  1. cce/11.0.4 => cce/12.0.3

[FAIL] ftn -oo/um_xios_mod.o -c -I./include -s default64 -e m -J ./include -I/work/n02/n02/jwc/cylc-run/vn7.1-gcom-trunk/share/archer2_ex_cce_mpp/build/include -O2 -Ovector1 -hfp0 -hflex_mp=strict -h omp -I/work/y07/shared/umshared/lib/cce-10.0.4/eccodes/2.19.0/include -I/work/n02/n02/jwc/XIOS/extract/xios_trunk_r1964/inc /work/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n96-ens3/share/fcm_make_um/preprocess-atmos/src/um/src/control/xios/um_xios_mod.F90 # rc=1
[FAIL] ftn-855 crayftn: ERROR UM_XIOS_MOD, File = …/…/…/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n96-ens3/share/fcm_make_um/preprocess-atmos/src/um/src/control/xios/um_xios_mod.F90, Line = 14, Column = 8
[FAIL] The compiler has detected errors in module “UM_XIOS_MOD”. No module information file will be created for this module.
[FAIL] ftn-292 crayftn: ERROR UM_XIOS_MOD, File = …/…/…/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n96-ens3/share/fcm_make_um/preprocess-atmos/src/um/src/control/xios/um_xios_mod.F90, Line = 16, Column = 5
[FAIL] “XIOS” is specified as the module name on a USE statement, but the compiler cannot find it.
[FAIL] ftn-126 crayftn: ERROR UM_XIOS_MOD, File = …/…/…/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n96-ens3/share/fcm_make_um/preprocess-atmos/src/um/src/control/xios/um_xios_mod.F90, Line = 70, Column = 6
[FAIL] Derived type “XIOS_CONTEXT” is used to type an object, but is not defined.
[FAIL] Cray Fortran : Version 12.0.3 (20210816174116_32d4751edd230fbbdc823f8b431bd5155e145fb9)
[FAIL] Cray Fortran : Compile time: 0.0412 seconds
[FAIL] Cray Fortran : 72 source lines
[FAIL] Cray Fortran : 3 errors, 0 warnings, 0 other messages, 0 ansi
[FAIL] Cray Fortran : “explain ftn-message number” gives more information about each message.
[FAIL] compile 0.2 ! um_xios_mod.o ← um/src/control/xios/um_xios_mod.F90
[FAIL] ! UM_XIOS_MOD.mod : depends on failed target: um_xios_mod.o
[FAIL] ! um_xios_mod.o : update task failed

[FAIL] fcm make -C /work/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n96-ens3/share/fcm_make_um -n 2 -j 128 # return-code=2
2021-11-25T22:55:23Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT

Any help is welcome.

Kind regards, Luciana.

Hi Luciana,

It can’t find XIOS:

[FAIL] “XIOS” is specified as the module name on a USE statement, but the compiler cannot find it.

Check the version you are compiling against exists.


Dear Ros.

I don’t know where XIOS is or should it be. I also don’t know where it has/hasn’t been compiled. Can you be more clear, please? I’m just trying to make a suite (any suite with ensembles!) to work.

Grenville said that the u-ch427 works for him, but it doesn’t work for me. He also suggested comparing u-ch427 to u-bo026 (the last one working in the old machine), but the comparison (with diff) is given me 5538 lines and 61 files, some of them are binary and .svn, so I’m not sure how to proceed in this front either.

Any support is welcome and appreciated! :slight_smile:

Kind regards, Luciana.

Hi Luciana,

In the compile output you posted above you will see the ftn command shows you are trying to compile against XIOS in the directory /work/n02/n02/jwc/XIOS/extract/xios_trunk_r1964/inc. This directory doesn’t exist. It looks like it has been copied over from the 4cab but hasn’t yet been untarred. To use this version you will need to ask Jeff to untar it for you.


Dear Ros.

Is there any version installed in the new machine? I don’t believe I need to use exactly this one. If there is, where should I introduce the change in the suite?

Kind regards.


Hi Luciana,

Try using /work/n02/n02/jwc/XIOS/extract/xios_trunk_r2245. Maybe look in Grenville’s copy of the suite and see what version he used.

Search for jwc in the rose edit GUI or use grep in the suite files to find the panel/file in which it is set.
