Assuming the changes in suite u-ch427 for archer2.rc are correct, I replaced archer2.rc in the old suites (u-bo026-n96-ens3 / u-bo026-n216-ens3 / u-bo026-n512-ens3). Now I’m having this error.
The following have been reloaded with a version change:
- cce/11.0.4 => cce/12.0.3
[FAIL] ftn -oo/um_xios_mod.o -c -I./include -s default64 -e m -J ./include -I/work/n02/n02/jwc/cylc-run/vn7.1-gcom-trunk/share/archer2_ex_cce_mpp/build/include -O2 -Ovector1 -hfp0 -hflex_mp=strict -h omp -I/work/y07/shared/umshared/lib/cce-10.0.4/eccodes/2.19.0/include -I/work/n02/n02/jwc/XIOS/extract/xios_trunk_r1964/inc /work/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n96-ens3/share/fcm_make_um/preprocess-atmos/src/um/src/control/xios/um_xios_mod.F90 # rc=1
[FAIL] ftn-855 crayftn: ERROR UM_XIOS_MOD, File = …/…/…/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n96-ens3/share/fcm_make_um/preprocess-atmos/src/um/src/control/xios/um_xios_mod.F90, Line = 14, Column = 8
[FAIL] The compiler has detected errors in module “UM_XIOS_MOD”. No module information file will be created for this module.
[FAIL] ftn-292 crayftn: ERROR UM_XIOS_MOD, File = …/…/…/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n96-ens3/share/fcm_make_um/preprocess-atmos/src/um/src/control/xios/um_xios_mod.F90, Line = 16, Column = 5
[FAIL] “XIOS” is specified as the module name on a USE statement, but the compiler cannot find it.
[FAIL] ftn-126 crayftn: ERROR UM_XIOS_MOD, File = …/…/…/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n96-ens3/share/fcm_make_um/preprocess-atmos/src/um/src/control/xios/um_xios_mod.F90, Line = 70, Column = 6
[FAIL] Derived type “XIOS_CONTEXT” is used to type an object, but is not defined.
[FAIL] Cray Fortran : Version 12.0.3 (20210816174116_32d4751edd230fbbdc823f8b431bd5155e145fb9)
[FAIL] Cray Fortran : Compile time: 0.0412 seconds
[FAIL] Cray Fortran : 72 source lines
[FAIL] Cray Fortran : 3 errors, 0 warnings, 0 other messages, 0 ansi
[FAIL] Cray Fortran : “explain ftn-message number” gives more information about each message.
[FAIL] compile 0.2 ! um_xios_mod.o ← um/src/control/xios/um_xios_mod.F90
[FAIL] ! UM_XIOS_MOD.mod : depends on failed target: um_xios_mod.o
[FAIL] ! um_xios_mod.o : update task failed
[FAIL] fcm make -C /work/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n96-ens3/share/fcm_make_um -n 2 -j 128 # return-code=2
2021-11-25T22:55:23Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT
Any help is welcome.
Kind regards, Luciana.