Error in postproc_nemo_grid

Hello CMS helpdesk,

I have the following error in the suite u-cq598 on Archer2 at postproc_nemo_grid.

[ERROR]  icb_pp: Error=1
	  File "/work/n02/n02/mmc70/cylc-run/u-cq598/share/fcm_make_pp/build/bin/", line 81
    print pathstart+nn+'.nc'
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(pathstart+nn+'.nc')?

 -> Failed to rebuild file: trajectory_icebergs_26720101-26720401

I checked the other ticket with similar issue (HadGEM-GC3.1-MM workflow) and noticed that test restartability has been turned off in my suite already. I am not sure what did I miss and would greatly appreciate any help.

Many thanks,


You just need to use the python 3 nemo_tools. In the suite app/fcm_make_pp/rose-app.conf, add


& re run.


Hi Grenville,

Many thanks for your help! The error is solved!
