Error reading variable 'tas_rangeAdjust'

Dear Helpdesk,

Recently I have been trying to set up run with the global simulation with my suite u-dl038. The first two spin-up work succeeded but the historic run failed with error massage {MPI Task 0} [FATAL ERROR] file_ncdf_read_var_3d: /gws/nopw/j04/mohc_shared/isimip-jules/isimip3b/InputData/climate/atmosphere/historical/IPSL-CM6A-LR/ Error reading variable ‘tas_rangeAdjust’ (NetCDF error - NetCDF: HDF error)

I have not run this setting before so I am not sure how to fix this. Could you please help.


Hi Wenyao

Try running the historic run again. The error might be due to an intermittent fault on JASMIN. Right now I can see the file on some of the scientific servers, but not on the others. The file seems to be OK on those servers on which I can see it: I can read it with cf-python and do simple calculations such as taking the min, max, and mean. That said, the values do seem a bit strange for an air temperature; the maximum is only 38K.

Best wishes

Hi David,

As you suggested I have again run the historic again and the error goes away. Thanks.


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