Recently I have been trying to set up run with the global simulation with my suite u-dl038. The first two spin-up work succeeded but the historic run failed with error massage {MPI Task 0} [FATAL ERROR] file_ncdf_read_var_3d: /gws/nopw/j04/mohc_shared/isimip-jules/isimip3b/InputData/climate/atmosphere/historical/IPSL-CM6A-LR/ Error reading variable ‘tas_rangeAdjust’ (NetCDF error - NetCDF: HDF error)
Try running the historic run again. The error might be due to an intermittent fault on JASMIN. Right now I can see the file on some of the scientific servers, but not on the others. The file seems to be OK on those servers on which I can see it: I can read it with cf-python and do simple calculations such as taking the min, max, and mean. That said, the values do seem a bit strange for an air temperature; the maximum is only 38K.