There is license error on cylc1 when compiling JULES code using u-di000 suite, see lines below.
Environment variables set for netCDF Fortran bindings in
You will also need to link your code to a compatible netCDF C library in
[FAIL] mpif90 -oo/water_constants_mod.o -c -DSCMA -DBL_DIAG_HACK -DINTEL_FORTRAN -I./include -I/gws/nopw/j04/jules/admin/netcdf/netcdf.openmpi//include -heap-arrays -fp-model precise -traceback /home/users/caroduro/cylc-run/u-di000-0.5deg/share/fcm_make/preprocess/src/jules/src/params/standalone/water_constants_mod_jls.F90 # rc=1
[FAIL] Error: A license for Comp-FL is not available now (-97,121).
[FAIL] A connection to the license server could not be made. You should
[FAIL] make sure that your license daemon process is running: both an
[FAIL] lmgrd process and an INTEL process should be running
[FAIL] if your license limits you to a specified number of licenses in use
[FAIL] at a time. Also, check to see if the wrong port@host or the wrong
[FAIL] license file is being used, or if the port or hostname in the license
[FAIL] file has changed.
[FAIL] License file(s) used were (in this order):
[FAIL] ** 1.,,
[FAIL] ** 2. /apps/sw/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.0.166/linux/bin/intel64/../../Licenses
[FAIL] ** 3. /home/users/caroduro/Licenses
[FAIL] ** 4. /home/users/caroduro/intel/licenses
[FAIL] ** 5. /opt/intel/licenses
[FAIL] ** 6. /Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Intel/Licenses
[FAIL] ** 7. /apps/sw/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.0.166/linux/bin/intel64/server.lic
[FAIL] Please refer for more information..
[FAIL] ifort: error #10052: could not checkout FLEXlm license
[FAIL] compile 0.2 ! water_constants_mod.o <- jules/src/params/standalone/water_constants_mod_jls.F90
[FAIL] mpif90 -oo/timestep_mod.o -c -DSCMA -DBL_DIAG_HACK -DINTEL_FORTRAN -I./include -I/gws/nopw/j04/jules/admin/netcdf/netcdf.openmpi//include -heap-arrays -fp-model precise -traceback /home/users/caroduro/cylc-run/u-di000-0.5deg/share/fcm_make/preprocess/src/jules/src/control/standalone/var/timestep_mod.F90 # rc=1
[FAIL] Error: A license for Comp-FL is not available now (-97,121).