Fcm_make tasks failing with ssh error

I’m trying to start a new job (co986) and am getting ssh permission denied errors and I’m not sure why.
For example:

[FAIL] schn02@login.archer2.ac.uk:cylc-run/u-co986/share/fcm_make_ocean: cannot create mirror target
[FAIL] ssh -n -oBatchMode=yes schn02@login.archer2.ac.uk pwd # rc=255
[FAIL] Permission denied (publickey).

[FAIL] fcm make -f /home/aschurer/cylc-run/u-co986/work/18500101T0000Z/fcm_make_ocean/fcm-make.cfg -C /home/aschurer/cylc-run/u-co986/share/fcm_make_ocean -j 4 mirror.target=schn02@login.archer2.ac.uk:cylc-run/u-co986/share/fcm_make_ocean mirror.prop{config-file.name}=2 # return-code=2
2022-07-01T11:42:40Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT

I get the usual message if I try to ssh onto archer2 from puma
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0

And I assume that the job can ssh onto archer2 since the suite has been submitted and has started OK, so I’m unsure what the problem could be.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Andrew,

I can’t see anything obvious. If you get the expected PTY response back when you ssh to ARCHER2 from Puma without any prompt for input, it should be ok. Can you try a rose suite-run --new?


That didn’t work.
But I’ve noticed that my setup doesn’t seem to be working.
bashrc is not called
mosrs-cache-password is not called
so it could be due to this.
Any idea what may have caused this? It was working before. Do I need to go through all the UM setup steps again?
Thanks, Andrew

MOSRS password caching won’t cause a problem with ssh to ARCHER2 they are totally separate and mosrs-cache-password is only run on Puma for an interactive session.

I would suggest killing any existing ssh-agent processes on pumatest and delete the ~/.ssh/environment.pumatest.nerc.ac.uk file. Log out of pumatest. Log back in again where you should get a message indicating a new ssh-agent is initialised. Then run ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_archerum and enter your password when prompted.

Then do ssh schn02@login.archer2.ac.uk and check you get the expected response and are not prompted for any input:

ros@pumatest$ ssh ros@login.archer2.ac.uk
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Comand rejected by policy. Not in authorised list 
                                                  Connection to login.archer2.ac.uk closed.

Hopefully that will fix it.

It has fixed the problem…
Thanks again for your help