I am a postdoc in the Meteorology department at Reading Uni. and I am trying to learn and use the UM but unfortunately I haven’t been able to attend the UM training courses through NCAS. Would it be possible to have access to training/documentation materials for the course so that I could try things myself or at least have some reference material? Thanks a lot.
Best Regards,
Hi Russell,
Please find attached the presentations from our latest course run in February. The accompanying practicals are available online:
I’ll replace the “Leeds getting setup instructions” (Chapter 1) with the self-study instructions later this afternoon.
(Attachment UM_Introduction_Presentations.pdf is missing)
Hi Ros,
I am in the same position, also at Reading. I have found the UM training URL you mentioned, but also need the self-study instructions. Can you let me know when the self-study instructions are available please?
Also I can’t see the attached PDF from your reply above, so if you could send it directly to me that would be useful.
Many thanks,
Gill Thornhill
Hi Gill,
All training documentation is now available from the CMS website: Training Courses
Hi Ros,
Thank you - I started working thru this on Wednesday when it appeared; I’m still waiting for an email to confirm my id_rsa_archerum
key for the connection from Puma has been set up; it’s not quite 48 hours yet, so hopefully it will be arrive today. If it doesn’t, should I contact ARCHER2 help or PUMA help?
Hi Gill,
ARCHER2 have just emailed me to say your puma-archer2 ssh-key is now installed.
There was a little bit of a delay sending it over to them which was my fault.
Hi Ros,
No problem, thanks for sorting it out – I wasn’t sure if I needed to do something else since I wasn’t in a class.
Much appreciated,