Output_buffer flushing error


I have an output_buffer flushing error in my suite u-co410

???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!! ERROR ???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!
? Error code: 1
? Error from routine: portio2a:flush_unit_buffer
? Error message: Failed in output_buffer()
? Error from processor: 0
? Error number: 30

I’ve seen this error several times recently when I’ve run out of spce on ARCHER2, but the current log file does not have that specific message, though the above error is in the job.out file rather than the job.err file.

Is this an ACHER2 space issue?



Hi again,

I restarted this suite after processing and removing some data. It was almost certainly a space issue, so happy for this ticket to be closed.

Any increase on my ARCHER2 work allocation would be brilliant.

