Permission denied error when doing FCM commit back to UM v8.4 branch on PUMA2 ( FCM repository )

Dear NCAS-CMS helpdesk team,

I am getting an error message when trying to commit code-change back to a UM v8.4 branch
on PUMA2.

In another ticket i think you advised best to check-out existing FCM branches, to make code-changes
(I am aware that the Trac system is unfortunately no longer accessible for v8.4 branches).

But I’m fairly sure previously this worked fine to check-out a branch on the PUMA2 system and
be able to commit new changes back an existing branch on the v8.4 UM repository on PUMA2.

See below for the error message I’m getting here.

Is there something not quite set-up correctly in my PUMA FCM environment for this?
Or is there an temporary glitch with the FCM repository?

Thanks for your help with this,

I’ve copied and pasted the branch info etc., and the fcm commit command I’m trying.

The branch checked-out OK, but when I try to commit back to the branch it gives an error.

Best regards,


Dr. Graham Mann
Lecturer in Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds

[gmann@puma2 UKCA]$ pwd
[gmann@puma2 UKCA]$ fcm status
M       ukca_emission_ctl.F90
?       ukca_emission_ctl_r22850_of_vn84updateGLOMAPtoDhomse20v3withSchSO2.F90
?       ukca_emission_ctl_r22850_of_vn84updateGLOMAPtoDhomse20v3withSchSO2_UpdForH2Oemission.F90
M       ukca_volcanic_so2.F90
?       ukca_volcanic_so2_r22850_of_vn84updateGLOMAPtoDhomse20v3withSchSO2.F90
?       ukca_volcanic_so2_r22850_of_vn84updateGLOMAPtoDhomse20v3withSchSO2_UpdForH2Oemission.F90
[gmann@puma2 UKCA]$ pwd
[gmann@puma2 UKCA]$ fcm commit
/home4/home/n02-puma/gmann/FCM_7.1/vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2_r22950_addH2Oemisn: working directory changed to top of working copy.
[info] vi: starting commit message editor...
Change summary:
[Root   : svn://]
[Project: UM]
[Branch : branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2]
[Sub-dir: ]

M       src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_emission_ctl.F90
M       src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2.F90
Commit message is as follows:
Added to emit H2O via TRSRCE code, with volcanic H2O specified within ukca_volcanic_so2
Would you like to commit this change?
Enter "y" or "n" (or just press <return> for "n"): y
Authentication realm: <svn://> 8ca64e62-1750-0410-b9b8-f1ff413d6028
Password for 'gmann': 

Sending        src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_emission_ctl.F90
Sending        src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2.F90
Transmitting file data ..done
Committing transaction...
svn: E000013: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E000013: Can't create directory '/home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn/UM_svn/db/transactions/22853-1.txn': Permission denied
[FAIL] svn commit -F /tmp/MdWC0favdb # rc=1

Hi Graham,

I will take a look at this when i’m back in the office tomorrow.


Hi Ros,
OK, great, thanks.

With the commit back to the FCM repository giving permission denied,
I tried this afternoon to do a direct copy-in to the ~/um/um_extracts/ directory on PUMA2.

With having to do the manual submit anyway, I wondered if this then might have been
part of the reason for this, to maybe help people with the Trac system not visible.

But I don’t actually know how to do any copy-in get-around there.

The FCM build still builds the code when you do the UMSUBMIT_ARCHER2.

Simplest thing is to get access again to the UM repository, and then I can commit
these changes back to the branch.

And that would be great, if this can be re-instated in this case.

The reason I’m running GA4 UM-UKCA here is basically to finish off the final 2 runs
within the Tonga-MIP intercomparison from Univ. Colorado (Margot Clyne).

We’re running the main HT-MIP runs with UKESM1.1, and have co-ordinated this with
the Met Office folks and Cambridge (aligned to the CCMI runs James Keeble has run).

But for the H2O and SO2 co-emission runs I need to get these done with the published
Dhomse et al. (2020) model, which is GA4 UM-UKCA.

I realise the aim is get people to use the latest model, but here we implemented functionality
from the Dhomse et al. (2020) GA4 UM-UKCA model to the Pinatubo ISA-MIP paper
(Quaglia et al., 2023) and to the background strat-aerosol ISA-MIP paper (Brodowky et al., 2024).

And then for Tonga-MIP we have run this and submitted the data for the SO2-only runs.

Here I’ve now had time to add-in the co-emission of volcanic H2O, and it’s these limited
code-changes I’m wanting to FCM commit back to the trunk, to then run the main runs
with both SO2 and H2O emitted for the main Tonga-MIP runs.

So it’s really only this limited commit back to the trunk for this H2O co-emission that
I thought would then be straightforward to do, as a precursor to then doing the same
in the UKESM1.1 runs for the HT-MOC experiments (see below for more info).

However, the copy-in I couldn’t get to work, as the UMSUBMIT_ARCHER2 from
~/umui_jobs/{$JOBID}/ still over-writes the codebase in the ~/um/um_extracts/{$JOBID}/

Is there a way we can de-activate that from the UMSUBMIT_ARCHER2 for this purpose?

I realise that’s not a recommended way-of-working, and it’s best for us if we can simply
commit the changes back to the UM v8.4 trunk.

But if that’s not possible, is there a work-around we can pursue to copy-in the data?

For info the code I’ve prepared on PUMA2 in the CodeMerging directory here:


Info re: why we’re still running the GA4 UM-UKCA here
(it’s prep for the main UKESM1.1 runs we’re running this summer)

The Tonga-MIP is kind-of a precursor experiment to the main HT-MOC runs, to test how
the H2O radiative cooling progresses in the model – with the emissions setitngs for the
Tonga-MIP then giving a heads-up how to configure this for the longer runs in HT-MOC

So this is not something we’re doing to avoid moving to the UKESM1.1 model,
it’s part-and-parcel of the prep work for running the full HT-MOC runs in UKESM.

The H2O radiative cooling caused the unusual initial descent of the Hunga plume,
and its how this combines with the SO2 oxidation to sulphate that the Tonga-MIP
interactive strat-aerosol experiment is focused on comparing among the different models.

For the longer runs in HT-MOC, these kind-of begin from where these initial
100-day runs for Tonga-MIP get to – and then the settings for the model
help to prepare the runs for these main HT-MOC activity for the 2025 report.

Hi Graham,

The usual way to use uncommitted code changes is to select “include modifications from a working copy directory” in the “fcm options for um atmosphere and reconfiguration” panel. That should allow you to test while I take a look at the commit issue. Nobody has committed to the repository for over a year, well before we moved to PUMA2.

Because of the way FCM works (with a separate extract and build step defined in the repos configuration files) doing a copy-in is not straightforward.


Hi Ros,

Thanks for this.

Re: the user-working copy, yes, for the GA4 UM-UKCA runs there, these are
already using a user-working copy of the UKCA package branch.

But there are 2 separate branches that take-in the volcanic SO2 emissions code-changes
(v8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_inclSchSO2) and the code-changes for the
perturbed-parameter ensemble (vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ40_volPPEupd)
are implemented in branches separate from the UKCA package branch.

We’ve mainly been applying the Dhomse et al. (2020) GA4 UM-UKCA model for
Hunga and other eruptions, so have generally only needed to change the hand-edits
for the different volcano lat/lon, the injection height, duration and emitted SO2 amounts etc.

The commits for the 6-hour duration I did via a edits to code, and committed that back
to the v8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse repository.

In December 2023 I recovered existing branches, but maybe that was prior to PUMA2.

And then yes that will have been over a year ago, since I last did a commit back to the repo.

Please can you check that, and pls re-instate that functionality
(sounds like maybe it is something specific to the new FCM container set-up on PUMA2 etc.)

Thanks a lot for your help with this,

Best regards,


Hi Graham,

Assuming I understood your previous message correctly and /home/n02/n02/gmann/CodeMerging_AddH2OcoEmission_to_updGLOMAPtoDhomsev3withSchSO2r22850_and_ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupdr22849 contains all the merged code branches - can you not point the working copy to this?

I am looking at why the commit doesn’t work, but I can’t say how long it will take to fix.


Hi Ros,

No, that “CodeMerging_AddH2OcoEmission” branches only includes the changes to the 4 routines
(it’s not a merge of the branches).

I’ve written that long-hand there as I’ve prepared the code-changes so that I can commit them into
the corresponding branch.

The ukca_volcanic_so2 branch was already being changed by both of the branches there,
and then I’ve prepared the changes to further update the corresponding branch
(to avoid any merge conflicts).

The UKCA package branch doesn’t edit that branch, but it does change the other 3 of the 4 branches
that are also edited by 1 of those 2 branches listed in the directory-name there.

So it’s a situation where I can’t merge the branches together
(I’d have to revert the branch back, and then commit to get a new revision number.)

It’s not possible to transfer the code-changes into a user-working copy of any one branch
because I’d need to commit back the reverted branch back (even if merging).

So to proceed with the H2O co-emission Tonga-MIP runs with the published Dhomse20 model
I need the FCM commit permissions back for the v8.4 FCM repository.

I mean “but it does change the other 3 of the 4 routines”:

The 4 routines are:

  1. src/control/top_level/read_lsta.F90
  2. src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod.F90
  3. src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_emission_ctl.F90
  4. src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2.F90


I see I’ve written “The ukca_volcanic_so2 branch” but obv there I meant “The ukca_volcanic_so2 routine”.

Also correction “that “CodeMerging_AddH2OcoEmission” branches”
I meant “No, that “CodeMerging_AddH2OcoEmission” directory”

Hi Graham,

I have hopefully fixed it so you can commit now. I have had to change the repository access method so you will need to relocate any existing working copies before you can commit the changes.

puma$ cd vn8.4_test_2024     # change to working copy directory

Determine the current URL:

puma$ fcm info 
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /home4/home/n02-puma/ros/temp/vn8.4_test_2024
URL: svn://

Replace svn:// with file:///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn. E.g.

puma$ svn relocate file:///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn/UM_svn/UM/branches/test/ros/vn8.4_test_2024 

You should then be able to commit your changes.


Hi Ros,

Thanks a lot for this.

I’ve proceeded to follow your instructions here, and there are 2 branches that I need to
commit back to:

A) vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2 (at r22950)

B) vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd (at r22840)

For branch A) this all worked fine, and I was able to commit back the 2 branch-changes
to that 1st of the 2 branches, see the standard-output from the commands on PUMA2 here:

[gmann@puma2 FCM_7.1]$ cd vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2_r22850_addH2Oemisn
[gmann@puma2 vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2_r22850_addH2Oemisn]$ ls -lrt
total 40
drwxr-xr-x. 11 gmann n02  4096 Jul  3 22:22  src
drwxr-xr-x.  5 gmann n02  4096 Jul  3 22:22  fcm-make
-rw-r--r--.  1 gmann n02 11255 Jul  3 22:22  CodeOwners.txt
drwxr-xr-x.  4 gmann n02  4096 Jul  3 22:22  rose-stem
drwxr-xr-x.  2 gmann n02  4096 Jul  3 22:22  bin
drwxr-xr-x.  3 gmann n02  4096 Jul  3 22:22  rose-meta
-rw-r--r--.  1 gmann n02  1053 Jul  3 22:22  COPYRIGHT.txt
-rw-r--r--.  1 gmann n02    88 Jul  3 23:21 '#commit_message#'
[gmann@puma2 vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2_r22850_addH2Oemisn]$ fcm info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /home4/home/n02-puma/gmann/FCM_7.1/vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2_r22850_addH2Oemisn
URL: svn://
Relative URL: ^/UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2
Repository Root: svn://
Repository UUID: 8ca64e62-1750-0410-b9b8-f1ff413d6028
Revision: 22850
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: gmann
Last Changed Rev: 22850
Last Changed Date: 2022-12-19 08:27:45 +0000 (Mon, 19 Dec 2022)

[gmann@puma2 vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2_r22850_addH2Oemisn]$ svn relocate file:///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn//UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2
[gmann@puma2 vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2_r22850_addH2Oemisn]$ fcm commit
[info] vi: starting commit message editor...
Change summary:
[Root   : file:///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn/UM_svn]
[Project: UM]
[Branch : branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2]
[Sub-dir: ]

M       src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_emission_ctl.F90
M       src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2.F90
Commit message is as follows:
Added to emit H2O via TRSRCE code, with volcanic H2O specified within ukca_volcanic_so2 (*** commits to new UM FCM repo location ***)
Would you like to commit this change?
Enter "y" or "n" (or just press <return> for "n"): y
Sending        src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_emission_ctl.F90
Sending        src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2.F90
Transmitting file data ..done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 22855.
Updating '.':
At revision 22855.

However, when I proceeded then to branch B), where I needed to commit changes to 3 routines,
the “svn relocate file:///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn/UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF…” command gave an error-message, see the preformatted text excerpt below:

[gmann@puma2 src]$ fcm info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /home4/home/n02-puma/gmann/FCM_7.1/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd_r22849_addH2Oemisn
URL: svn://
Relative URL: ^/UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd/src
Repository Root: svn://
Repository UUID: 8ca64e62-1750-0410-b9b8-f1ff413d6028
Revision: 22853
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: gmann
Last Changed Rev: 22849
Last Changed Date: 2022-10-27 23:55:19 +0100 (Thu, 27 Oct 2022)

[gmann@puma2 src]$ fcm status
M       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod_orig.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd_UpdForExtraControlVariables.F90
M       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2_orig.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd_UpdForExtraControlVariables.F90
M       control/top_level/readlsta.F90
?       control/top_level/readlsta_orig.F90
?       control/top_level/readlsta_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd.F90
?       control/top_level/readlsta_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd_UpdForExtraControlVariables.F90
[gmann@puma2 src]$ fcm info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /home4/home/n02-puma/gmann/FCM_7.1/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd_r22849_addH2Oemisn
URL: svn://
Relative URL: ^/UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd/src
Repository Root: svn://
Repository UUID: 8ca64e62-1750-0410-b9b8-f1ff413d6028
Revision: 22853
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: gmann
Last Changed Rev: 22849
Last Changed Date: 2022-10-27 23:55:19 +0100 (Thu, 27 Oct 2022)

[gmann@puma2 src]$ svn relocate file:///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn//UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd
svn: E155019: Cannot relocate '/home4/home/n02-puma/gmann/FCM_7.1/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd_r22849_addH2Oemisn/src' as it is not the root of a working copy; try relocating '/home4/home/n02-puma/gmann/FCM_7.1/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd_r22849_addH2Oemisn' instead

The error message it gives says “as it is not the root of a working copy”.

But I don’t understand that message, because you said the ///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn/ needs to point to the name of the branch, not the name of the working copy.

I’m not sure if maybe you only copied across that 1st of the 2 commands, and this is partly a test to see if it works OK?

If that’s the case, please can you proceed to copy over also the 2nd of the 2 branches that I need to commit back to.

That’s the UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd branch

This is the 2nd branch that I’m trying to commit back to, which is giving the above error message.

Thanks again for your help with this,

Best regards,


Hi Graham,

The error message indicates that you are not running the svn relocate command from the root directory of your branch working copy.

From your prompt:

[gmann@puma2 src]$

it looks like you are in the src subdirectory. Please make sure you are in the root directory of the working copy which I believe is:



Hi Ros,

Ah, OK. I assumed the “fcm relocate” would work from any directory within the branch
(the FCM commit does)

But OK, I guess that makes sense, since it’s a more fundamental command, re: the file-location
of the FCM repository.

Anyway, that worked fine also for the 2nd branch once I’d cd’d to the root directory of the branch
(see transcript copied-and-pasted below)

I’ve been able then to add-in the code-changes to both branches, and just 1 or 2 typo’s
I then had to remedy within the FORTRAN coding, but I that worked fine re: additional
commits to those 2 branches.

I can see the revision numbers remain contiguous with the previous revisions etc.,
so that has worked basically, to resume the FCM UM v8.4 repository from that new file-location.

And thanks so much for your help with this,

Best regards,


[gmann@puma2 vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd_r22849_addH2Oemisn]$ svn relocate file:///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn//UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd
[gmann@puma2 vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd_r22849_addH2Oemisn]$ fcm info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /home4/home/n02-puma/gmann/FCM_7.1/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd_r22849_addH2Oemisn
URL: file:///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn/UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd
Relative URL: ^/UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd
Repository Root: file:///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn/UM_svn
Repository UUID: 8ca64e62-1750-0410-b9b8-f1ff413d6028
Revision: 22853
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: gmann
Last Changed Rev: 22849
Last Changed Date: 2022-10-27 23:55:19 +0100 (Thu, 27 Oct 2022)

[gmann@puma2 vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd_r22849_addH2Oemisn]$ cd src/
[gmann@puma2 src]$ fcm status
M       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod_orig.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd_UpdForExtraControlVariables.F90
M       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2_orig.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd.F90
?       atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd_UpdForExtraControlVariables.F90
M       control/top_level/readlsta.F90
?       control/top_level/readlsta_orig.F90
?       control/top_level/readlsta_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd.F90
?       control/top_level/readlsta_r22849_of_vn84ptbACIDPRUFRJ4volPPEupd_UpdForExtraControlVariables.F90
[gmann@puma2 src]$ fcm commit
/home4/home/n02-puma/gmann/FCM_7.1/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd_r22849_addH2Oemisn: working directory changed to top of working copy.
[info] vi: starting commit message editor...
Change summary:
[Root   : file:///home/n02/n02/fcm/srv/svn/UM_svn]
[Project: UM]
[Branch : branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_ptb_ACID_PRUF_RJ4.0_volPPEupd]
[Sub-dir: ]

M       src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod.F90
M       src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2.F90
M       src/control/top_level/readlsta.F90
Commit message is as follows:
Other-half of the code-changes for the volcanic H2O co-emission & PPE-controls.
Would you like to commit this change?
Enter "y" or "n" (or just press <return> for "n"): y
Sending        src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_option_mod.F90
Sending        src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2.F90
Sending        src/control/top_level/readlsta.F90
Transmitting file data ...done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 22856.
Updating '.':
At revision 22856.

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