Whereas the initial set of FCM commands seemed to be working OK (“fcm status”, “fcm info”, “fcm diff”), when I tried to commit a change back to one of my vn8.4 branches, FCM is giving an error message “Unable to connect to a repository”, with also the message “Can’t connect to host ‘puma’:”
I think this is because it needs to be set to look for “pumatest” rather than “puma”.
Probably there is still a path that needs to be updated somewhere within the FCM system to change “puma” to “pumatest”.
Please can you advise if this can be changed in the FCM repository bindings or so.
See the full error message below.
Thanks for your help with this.
Best regards,
-bash-4.1$ fcm commit
/home/gmann/FCM_7.1/vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2: working directory changed to top of working copy.
[FAIL] svn status --ignore-externals --show-updates # rc=1
[FAIL] svn: E000110: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ‘svn://puma/UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/gmann/vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2’
[FAIL] svn: E000110: Can’t connect to host ‘puma’: Connection timed out
** Dr. Graham Mann, Lecturer in Atmospheric Science **
** Institute for Climate & Atmospheric Science T: +44 0113 3431660 **
** Room 10.108, School of Earth & Environment F: +44 0113 3435259 **
** University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, U.K. E: G.W.Mann@leeds.ac.uk **
** Apologies if this email took longer to reply to than you expected **
** I am currently participating in the UCU “work to contract” action **
** for fair pay settlement, more secure HE employment practices & to **
** oppose the proposed cuts to the USS occupational pension scheme. **
I thought after sending that message that maybe it’s just a case of having to checkout the branch again from the FCM repository (so that it knows it came from pumatest rather than the original puma).
I did that — and copied-in my changes again – and did the fcm commit again.
The fcm commit did then progress further – going then to the window where you specify the commit message – so I thought that had “done the trick”.
However, unfortunately it didn’t then seem to recognise my password.
I tried with both my pumatest password (the one I changed it to) and also with the password I use on the UM Trac.
Both of those failed – see the error message below.
I did change the password (as you advised) for the UM Trac system and have not tried using the original password you initially set (but am guessing that wouldn’t work either).
Please can you advise re: the password problem below.
Is it some kind of problem with the authentication with this part-way transition between the old puma and new pumatest system?
Thanks a lot for your help with this – I’m off to bed now!
-bash-4.1$ fcm commit
/home/gmann/FCM_7.1/vn8.4_updGLOMAPtoDhomse_v3_withSchSO2: working directory changed to top of working copy.
[info] vi: starting commit message editor…
Change summary:
M src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_emission_ctl.F90
M src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_main1-ukca_main1.F90
M src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_volcanic_so2.F90
Commit message is as follows:
Temporary commit for emitting specified SO2 in 1 hour instead of 1 day
Would you like to commit this change?
Enter “y” or “n” (or just press for “n”): y
Authentication realm: svn://pumatest:3690 8ca64e62-1750-0410-b9b8-f1ff413d6028
Password for ‘gmann’: **************
Authentication realm: svn://pumatest:3690 8ca64e62-1750-0410-b9b8-f1ff413d6028
Username: gmann
Password for ‘gmann’: **************
Authentication realm: svn://pumatest:3690 8ca64e62-1750-0410-b9b8-f1ff413d6028
Username: gmann
Password for ‘gmann’: **************
P.S. Working copies contain information within them that tell subversion which repository it came from. So any that were checked out on PUMA, if they have no local changes or just a small change the easiest thing, as you’ve already found is to check out the branch again. It should be possible to rebase a working copy but I wouldn’t do that unless absolutely necessary.