I am running GOSI9 simulations on Monsoon and everything has been mostly fine i.e. now at year 24 of model spin up. One of the simulations has failed on postproc and I’m unsure how to fix it. I’d rather try and fix it than go back nearly a year in the simulation process from a restart file.
Here is some of the output from the job.err file
[WARN] [SUBPROCESS]: Command: moo put -f -vv /home/d02/twilder/cylc-run/u-db080/share/data/History_Data/NEMOhist/db080o_19981201_restart.nc moose:crum/u-db080/oda.file
[SUBPROCESS]: Error = 2:
put command-id=1853343882 failed: (SSC_TASK_REJECTION) one or more tasks are rejected.
/home/d02/twilder/cylc-run/u-db080/share/data/History_Data/NEMOhist/db080o_19981201_restart.nc -> moose:/crum/u-db080/oda.file/db080o_19981201_restart.nc: (TSSC_CONFLICT_WITH_EARLIER_COMMAND) command conflicts with another command.
Conflicting command-ids: 1853315084,
put: failed (2)
[WARN] moo.py: Moose Error: user-error (see Moose docs). (ReturnCode=2) File: /home/d02/twilder/cylc-run/u-db080/share/data/History_Data/NEMOhist/db080o_19981201_restart.nc
[WARN] Failed to archive file: db080o_19981201_restart.nc. Will try again later.
[FAIL] main_pp.py - PostProc complete. Exiting with errors in nemo_archive
[FAIL] Terminating PostProc...
[FAIL] main_pp.py nemo cice # return-code=1
2024-06-04T15:47:49Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT
Any idea how this can be fixed?