June 23
Hello all,
The problem of fcm-make failure is yet unsolved and I kindly request you all to help me regarding this. Should I use some other suite rather than the trunk version of u-al752?
[FAIL] preprocess.prop{file-ext.h} = .inc: bad name-space
[FAIL] preprocess.prop{fpp.defs} = SCMA BL_DIAG_HACK INTEL_FORTRAN: bad name-space"
Or should I copy the suite first and then try the tutorial (Tutorial for setting up Rose/Cylc in order to run JULES on CEDA JASMIN - Land Surface Processes Group (reading.ac.uk))?
It would be very helpful for me if I can get some suggestions as I hope others might have faced same problems when they started.
Thanks in advance.
June 23
Hi Richa
I have been trying to help out.
What do your log files look like? I can’t see them myself.
Have you tried a ‘rose suite-run --new’?
Patrick McGuire
June 24
Hi Patrick
I was able to solve the issue of fcm_make failure by making a copy of the suite and making appropriate changes in the conf files as shown in the tutorials but the make plots step failed and displayed submission failure.
How to solve this?
I tried restarting the suite and stopping and starting it again gives me this error
file:bin/parallelise.py=source=fcm:jules.x_br/pkg/karinawilliams/r6715_python_packages/share/parallelise.py@19283: bad or missing value
Please let me know how should I proceed further.
Thank you
June 24
Hi Richa,
Following advice from Patrick, try running ‘rose suite-run --new’ That should ‘reset’ the suite and should hopefully allow you to run it.
June 24
Hi Richa:
Maybe the cylc1 node forgot your MOSRS password after a while, or something like that?
Can you try to log out of cylc1, log back in, and re-enter your password for MOSRS, and then try to retrigger the make plots app?
June 25
Hi Richa:
Did that help?
June 28
Hi Richa
Is it working now?
June 29
Hi Patrick,
Sorry for the late reply.
Please tell me how to retrigger just the make plots run?
Do I need to run the complete suite run again?
Please let me know.
Thank you for helping me.
June 29
Hi Richa
You can retrigger an app by opening the suite with the rose/cylc GUI with “rose sgc”. The you can retrigger by right mouse clicking on the app and press the trigger option in the popup menu.
If you make any changes to the suite, you should first do a
‘rose suite-run --reload’
prior to retriggering the app.
July 19
Hi Richa
Is it working now?
Patrick McGuire
July 24
Hi Patrick,
It worked when I retriggered it the third time but still it gets stuck at the make plots section and shows the error below.
ERROR: file not found: /home/users/richaiit/cylc-run/u-cf788/log/job/1/make_plots/NN/job.err
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/apps/jasmin/metomi/cylc-7.8.7/bin/cylc-cat-log”, line 439, in
File “/apps/jasmin/metomi/cylc-7.8.7/bin/cylc-cat-log”, line 435, in main
tmpfile_edit(out, options.geditor)
File “/apps/jasmin/metomi/cylc-7.8.7/bin/cylc-cat-log”, line 265, in tmpfile_edit
modtime1 = os.stat(tmpfile).st_mtime
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, int found
Please tell me that as the JULES run is completed hence can I access the JULES run output files from my directory? As make plots is not working and even if it worked I would need to make my own plots.
Please let me know.
Thank you
July 26
Hi Richa
What does the make_plots job.out file say?
You should view these .out and .err files in the linux command prompt instead of from the GUI.
For example, you can use ‘vi’ or ‘more’ to look at those files at the linux command prompt.
Just use ‘ls’ to find the .out or .err file in the subdirectories of:
And then use ‘vi’ or ‘more’ to look at those files from the command prompt.
The GUI menu options are useful sometimes, but if you really want to understand things like
‘ERROR: file not found’, then you can look in more detail at the linux command prompt
The Traceback (most recent call last): part of the error message is not always useful with the GUI.
I can’t see your log files. Can you make the permissions so that I can see your cylc-run and roses directories? This might mean that you have to give me permission to see your whole home directory, which might mean that if you have any private or confidential information there, that you should not give permission for others to see that info.
Yes, you can access the JULES output NETCDF files in the output directory that you defined.
When you retrigger the make_plots app, you could possibly just retrigger that app, and not the whole suite.
Patrick McGuire