
Dear Ros.

The suites are running, but I still don’t have a result. I do have another weird problem.

When I tried to run suites u-bo026-n96-ens3/u-bo026-n216-ens3/u-bo026-n512-ens3 with –new, I get:

[FAIL] rsync -a --exclude=.* --timeout=1800 --rsh=ssh\ -oBatchMode=yes --exclude=963fb933-4dd2-493d-8336-a0a5fcbb10e6 --exclude=log/963fb933-4dd2-493d-8336-a0a5fcbb10e6 --exclude=share/963fb933-4dd2-493d-8336-a0a5fcbb10e6 --exclude=share/cycle/963fb933-4dd2-493d-8336-a0a5fcbb10e6 --exclude=work/963fb933-4dd2-493d-8336-a0a5fcbb10e6 --exclude=/.* --exclude=/cylc-suite.db --exclude=/log --exclude=/log.* --exclude=/state --exclude=/share --exclude=/work ./ # return-code=12, stderr=
[FAIL] rsync: mkdir “/home1/home/n02/n02/lrpedro/cylc-run/u-bo026-n216-ens3” failed: File exists (17)
[FAIL] rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(664) [Receiver=3.1.3]
[FAIL] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (9 bytes received so far) [sender]
[FAIL] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(600) [sender=3.0.6]

Without --new, they were submitted.

BTW, I’m still having the error about cray-netcdf when I log into Archer2.

Kind regards, Luciana.