Temporary Logicals


I have been looking to make use of the temporary logical l_fix_ukca_h2dd_x as I am using vn11.1 of UKCA where this bug fix was not implemented and I need to analyse the H2 deposition output which this fix tackles. I am wondering the best way to go about this as the ticket for this fix shows the code was developed in main/branches/dev/alanjhewitt/vn11.1_fix_npft but this has the fix set to false at all the revisions I can find and so when I include this branch in rose and cylc, this change is not applied.
Please could you let me know how this is usually done or if I am best to simply include the code in my own branch.

Ticket (Met Office Science Repository Service)


Hi Hannah,

As you’re currently working at vn11.1 then you may need to include Alan’s branch if the logical doesn’t exist (check if it’s in the CCMI2022 job I sent, possibly not).

Broadly it’s best not to turn on the temporary logicals as the science configuration picked-up is dependent on them being off, with the aim to turn them on over time until they are all on in the next science configuration (when they can then be turned on all the time and retired as a switch).

You should be OK to include the branch, turn on the switch, and then use the development, especially as you have a firm scientific justification for running with this fix.

Best wishes,

Hi Luke,

Thanks - I can’t see it in those CCMI jobs so I’ll include Alan’s branch. Once I have the branch in my sources, the switch isn’t in my job to switch it on. I’ve tried adding this to my app/um/rose-app.conf file as a line in temp_fixes but this doesn’t seem to create a switch. How is the switch usually accessed? /is it because the meta file I’m using as a source is my own branch?


Hi Hannah,

As it wasn’t in the CCMI jobs you may want to make a new branch and merge both Alan’s fix branch and my CCMI2022 branch together, as this will also merge the metadata. The point to the metadata of the new branch and that will allow the switch to be used. Another option would be to just merge the metadata together in a branch/directory but have separate branches in Rose for the fcm-make task.

Best wishes,