1st May to 31st Oct 2022 ERA5 re-analysis files from MONSOON -- pls copy into umshared directory on ARCHER-2

Dear NCAS-CMS helpdesk,

I have copied over to ARCHER2 the latest 6 months of ERA5 re-analysis files
for running the UM in nudged configuration (from Telford et al., 2008).

Back in August, I copied over the latest files from MONSOON, which at that time
were up to the end of April 2022.

We’re running GA4 UM-UKCA CheST+GLOMAP nudged through the 2022 Antarctic winter,
to simulate the transport of the Hunga-Tonga volcanic aerosol into the polar vortex
(SAGE-III and CALIOP data show this occurred in the lower-most stratosphere,
and modelling from the NCAR group show chemistry on the Hunga-Tonga aerosol
let to ~20% larger ozone hole.

We’re running simulations of the GA4 UM-UKCA for a Hunga-Tonga MIP co-ordinated
by University of Colorado, and although there the focus is the first 90 days after the
eruption, an upcoming CCMI/ISA-MIP activity is likely to intercompare model predicted
aerosol transport into the Antarctic vortex and associated polar ozone layer impacts.

Please can one of the team copy-in this latest set of ERA5 re-analysis files I’ve copied
from MONSOON to ARCHER-2, into the umshared folder on ARCHER2.

I’ve this afternooon copied over to ARCHER-2 from MONSOON the 6-hourly ERA5 netCDF files
from 1st April 2022 to 31st October 2022.

And these are within the following directory off my /work/n02/n02/gmann directory:


Back in August Luke or someone in the team copied across the ERA5 netCDF files to 30/04/2022,
to the umshared folder on ARCHER2 here:


Please can someone copy in to that directory the latest 6 months of nudging files,
from my /work/n02/n02/gmann/NudgingFiles/ directory above

Thanks a lot

Best regards,


Dr. Graham Mann
Lecturer in Atmospheric Science
School of Earth and Environment
University of Leeds

Request to add ERA5 re-analysis files on ARCHER-2 for Jan 2019 to Mar 202

Dear NCAS-CMS helpdesk,

I noticed there are also some nudging files missing at the end of February 2022 from the umshared directory on ARCHER2:


See that whereas there are 4 netCDFs for each day of Jan 2022, and for all days from 1st to 23rd Feb 2022, there is only 1 file there for the 24th Feb 2022, and no files at all for the days 25th to 28th Feb 2022.

The files are all there for all days in March and April 2022, but it looks like the ERA5 re-analysis netCDF files for those dates 24th to 28th Feb must have been missed (or an scp command failed for those dates at the end of Feb 2022).

So in addition to copying in the 1st May to 31st Oct 2022 files across to the umshared directory, please can you also copy across those missing files for the 24th to 28th Feb 2022.

The files were all there on MONSOON, and I’ve copied those files across to my NudgingFiles directory off /work/n02/n02/gmann/, within sub-directory: “ERA5reanalysisFilesFromMONSOON_for01Jan22to30Apr22”:


Thanks a lot,

Best regards,


gmann@ln03:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/nudging/era5> pwd
gmann@ln03:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/nudging/era5> ls -lt 137_20220223
-rw-r–r-- 1 umshared n02 23108964 Jul 12 13:09 era5_1deg-model-levs_N48L137_2022022318_all.nc
-rw-r–r-- 1 umshared n02 23108964 Jul 12 13:09 era5_1deg-model-levs_N48L137_2022022306_all.nc
-rw-r–r-- 1 umshared n02 23108964 Jul 12 13:09 era5_1deg-model-levs_N48L137_2022022312_all.nc
-rw-r–r-- 1 umshared n02 23108964 Jul 12 13:09 era5_1deg-model-levs_N48L137_2022022300_all.nc
gmann@ln03:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/nudging/era5> ls -lt 137_20220224
-rw-r–r-- 1 umshared n02 8388608 Jul 12 13:09 era5_1deg-model-levs_N48L137_2022022400_all.nc
gmann@ln03:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/nudging/era5> ls -lt 137_20220225
ls: cannot access ‘137_20220225’: No such file or directory
gmann@ln03:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/nudging/era5> ls -lt 137_20220226
ls: cannot access ‘137_20220226’: No such file or directory
gmann@ln03:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/nudging/era5> ls -lt 137_20220227
ls: cannot access ‘137_20220227’: No such file or directory
gmann@ln03:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/nudging/era5> ls -lt 137_20220228
ls: cannot access ‘137_20220228’: No such file or directory
gmann@ln03:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/nudging/era5> ls -lt 137_20220229
ls: cannot access ‘137_20220229’: No such file or directory
gmann@ln03:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/nudging/era5> ls -lt 137_20220301
-rw-r–r-- 1 umshared n02 23108964 Jul 12 15:58 era5_1deg-model-levs_N48L137_2022030118_all.nc
-rw-r–r-- 1 umshared n02 23108964 Jul 12 15:58 era5_1deg-model-levs_N48L137_2022030100_all.nc
-rw-r–r-- 1 umshared n02 23108964 Jul 12 15:58 era5_1deg-model-levs_N48L137_2022030106_all.nc
-rw-r–r-- 1 umshared n02 23108964 Jul 12 15:58 era5_1deg-model-levs_N48L137_2022030112_all.nc

Hi Graham,

Files copied over to umshared including the missing Feb ones.

From a quick look on Monsoon I can see the Feb files were updated not long after I did the previous copy for you, so I suspect they were simply just missing from Monsoon at the time I did the original copy. Hopefully all sorted now.
