I am learning JULES based on a global suite u-as052.
If I want to customize my suite as 5-year spinup and 5-year run forced by GSWP3:
Could I set the [namelist:jules_spinup] is:
spinup_end=‘2005-12-31 21:00:00’
spinup_start=‘2000-01-01 00:00:00’
and the [namelist:jules_prescribed_dataset(1)] is:
data_end=‘2010-12-31 21:00:00’
data_start=‘2000-01-01 00:00:00’
and the [namelist:jules_drive] is:
data_end=‘2010-12-31 21:00:00’
data_start=‘2000-01-01 00:00:00’ file=‘/gws/nopw/j04/jules/GSW3-temp/drive_file2.txt’
I am not sure if GSW3-temp is suitable. Besides, I have no idea how to set [namelist:jules_prescribed_dataset(1)] and [namelist:jules_prescribed_dataset(2)] with which data.
In the original suite, they are set as:
Hi Yuan
Did you already request and obtain access to the ncas_generic group workspace, as suggested in the JULES FLUXNET tutorial?
That file:
contains the ancillary data for the vegetation on the WFDEI grid (0.5 degree LAT/LON spacing). As shown in the u-as052 suite, the variables used for the prescribed data sets for JULES are canht (canopy height) and lai (leaf_area_index).
For the GSW3-temp driving data file that you are trying to use, does that have a 10800-second data_period (3 hours)? Does it have the variable names listed in the jules_drive section of the file ~/roses/u-as052/app/jules/rose-app.conf ?