Info about u-al752

Dear Helpdesk,

I am trying to get the driving data of u-al752 in order to test it with other models offline to validate the JULES model. I have found only a presrcibed LAI data for a number of sites, I wonder where are the other LAI obtained. If prescribed data is not used where are we getting the LAIs from.


also I discovered that some FLUXNET data doesn’t have headers (so not sure about the starting time) do you know where I can find the description info for each sites.

Hi Wenyao
The LAI data is only available for some of the sites. You can see which sites it is available for by looking at the presc_avail variable (whether it is 2, for example, instead of being 0 or 1) in ~/roses/u-al752/var/

The data about the starting time of the various driving data sets is available for example in:


Dear Patrick,

Thanks for the demonstration. I wonder if prescribed LAI is not available then JULES is calculating its own LAI or there’s other source?


Hi Wenyao:
If you set PRESCRIBE_DATASETS_CONFIGURATION = 2 in your file ~/roses/u-al752/rose-suite.conf, then it will only run JULES for those sites listed as having prescribed LAI (i.e., that have presc_avail=2 in your file ~/roses/u-al752/var/

But if you have set PRESCRIBE_DATASETS_CONFIGURATION = 0, then it will run JULES for all of the sites.

Also, if PRESCRIBE_DATASETS_CONFIGURATION == 2, then it runs JULES with prescribed LAI, and therefore, it sets L_TRIFFID = .false. and L_PHENOL = .false..

Conversely, if PRESCRIBE_DATASETS_CONFIGURATION == 0, then it runs JULES (for all the sites) without prescribed LAI, and therefore, it sets L_TRIFFID = .true. and L_PHENOL = .true.. So, it has dynamic vegetation growth (with triffid) and and it uses the phenology model.

You can see the logic for all of this in your file ~/roses/u-al752/suite.rc.

Dear Patrick,

Thanks for your help. This clears all my thoughts.
