Hi Patrick,
I have never been able to get the new cylc1.jasmin to prompt me for my MOSRS password. This wasn’t a problem until this moment when I now need to create a new JULES branch…
I have exactly followed the instructions on here, up to the point where it says “it should now prompt you for a password” https://code.metoffice.gov.uk/trac/jules/wiki/RoseJULESonJASMIN
Instead of a password prompt I get the following message
Warning: the ECDSA host key for ‘cylc1.jasmin.ac.uk’ differs from the key for the IP address ‘’
Offending key for IP in /home/users/schadburn/.ssh/known_hosts:6
Matching host key in /home/users/schadburn/.ssh/known_hosts:7
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Any idea what this means?
Thanks a lot,
Hi Sarah:
Have you tried deleting that line in the knownhosts file?
Hi Patrick,
Thanks - that has removed the error message but still no password prompt. I’m 99% sure everything in my .bashrc and .bash_profile files are identical to the wiki page!
All the best,
Hi Sarah:
What happens when you type
. mosrs-setup-gpg-agent
on the cylc1 command prompt?
It asked for my password twice and cached it! And then I could create a branch. hooray.
It still doesn’t prompt for my password when I log in, but at least I can use this command and still do what I need to.
Thanks a lot,
Hi Sarah
Fatima from the JASMIN helpdesk looked at your .bashrc file (since JASMIN crashed at the same time as I copied your .bashrc file to my account and was modifying it).
She noted that you should be using /apps/jasmin instead of /apps/contrib in various places in your .bashrc and .bash_profile files.
I also noticed that your cylc1 is cylc1.ceda instead of cylc1.jasmin, so that’s why it wasn’t trying to check your password.
Hi Patrick,
This is great, it’s working now. Thanks a lot. I was just not spotting the differences between the text in my files and the text in the tutorial!
Thanks again,