Error rose suite-run

Hello CMS

I have been getting an error when doing rose suite-run (u-dj570). Previously for the last one year or so, it was all OK. See below for the error:

[FAIL] ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oConnectTimeout=8 -n ln03 env\ ROSE_VERSION=2019.01.3\ CYLC_VERSION=7.8.12\ bash\ -l\ -c\ '"$0"\ "$@"'\ rose\ suite-run\ -vv\ -n\ u-dm288\ –run=run\ –remote=uuid=9fb3867f-f2a9-45bf-bf10-995e1ab1b682,now-str=20250108T133937Z,root-dir='$DATADIR' # return-code=255, stderr=
[FAIL] Connection closed by port 22

Hi Sid

How does u-dj570 differ from u-dj762?


Hi Grenville

Its the same. I have five similar suites running in parallel for the production runs.


Hi Sid,

ARCHER2 login node ln03 has been taken down and is currently not accessible.


Is there an alternative solution at this point?
Thanks Ros

Switch the suite to use another login node - ln01, ln02 or ln04.

This is a hazard of running a job in the background on an explicit ARCHER2 login node, if the node you have specified goes down you have to manually change it.


That worked!! Thanks. My archive steps were running ln03- changed them to use ln04 in suite.rc
Best Wishes

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