Nesting suite u-by395


I’m trying again with the nested suite from the rmed tutorial* (my copy is u-cu785), but I’m getting an error message when I try to run. I don’t think it’s even submitted to Archer as /cylc-run/u-cu785 hasn’t been created.

I get a stop sign and a log error which is:
“[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 Configuration: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 file: rose-suite.conf
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 export CYLC_VERSION=7.8.12
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 export ROSE_ORIG_HOST=pumanew.novalocal
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 export ROSE_SITE=
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 export ROSE_VERSION=2019.01.3
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 create: log.20230221T152102Z
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 delete: log
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 symlink: log.20230221T152102Z <= log
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 tar -czf log.20230221T150237Z.tar.gz log.20230221T150237Z
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 log.20230221T150237Z.tar.gz <= log.20230221T150237Z
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 delete: log.20230221T150237Z/
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 create: log/suite
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 create: log/rose-conf
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 svn info --non-interactive
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 svn status --non-interactive
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 svn diff --internal-diff --non-interactive
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 git describe
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 symlink: rose-conf/20230221T152102-run.conf <= log/rose-suite-run.conf
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 symlink: rose-conf/20230221T152102-run.version <= log/rose-suite-run.version
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: Jinja2Filters
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/Jinja2Filters
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: app
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/app
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: bin
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/bin
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: etc
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/etc
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: lib
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/lib
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: meta
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/meta
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: opt
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/opt
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged:
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: site
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/site
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: suite-graph
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/suite-graph
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: suite-macros.rc
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/suite-macros.rc
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: suite-runtime
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/suite-runtime
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: suite-setup.rc
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/suite-setup.rc
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 unchanged: suite-setup_dir
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 source: /home/arm33/roses/u-cu785/suite-setup_dir
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 delete: suite.rc
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:02+0000 install: suite.rc
[INFO] 2023-02-21T15:21:05+0000 ssh -oBatchMode=yes -n env\ ROSE_VERSION=2019.01.3\ CYLC_VERSION=7.8.12\ bash\ -l\ -c\ '"$0"\ "$@"'\ rose\ suite-run\ -vv\ -n\ u-cu785\ –run=run\ –remote=uuid=9990a121-8fe8-448e-a5f2-25bc5a611a15,now-str=20230221T152102Z,root-dir='$DATADIR'”

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I’m following the instruction in the tutorial to point to specific startdump and ancillary files, is it maybe that I can’t use these? I’m not sure from the log info above what the error is

Thanks for your help
*Met Office Science Repository Service


You are trying to login to archer not archer2
(ssh -oBatchMode=yes -n…)
As far as I can see, that job has not been ported to archer2


Anna - you might just need the archer2 branch of the suite

specifically, I would use the vn12.0 version:

Thanks very much Grenvillie and David. I think that was the branch I managed to get running during the course.

There’s a few things I’m not clear about regarding the _um12p0 branch (my copy is u-cu454) . Under suite conf → nesting suite → driving model setup, the dm_config options go up to GA7.2. Similarly, under Nested region 1 setup → resolution 1 → config 1 setup the default is RA2, though there seem to be some RA3 ‘candidate’ options. Is there any way to use more recent configurations? I ask as we’re keen to use as up-to-date a version as possible, and it was suggested to me that for that I would want to be using GA9 and RA3. Or do you know of other branches which have been ported to archer2?

Thanks for your help,