Error with coupling in upgrading from UM vn11.4 to 12.1


I have upgraded suite from UM vn11.4 (u-cf309) to UM vn12.1 (u-da133). The suite is a regional model with GA7 physics, coupled to the KPP mixed-layer ocean model. The suite runs OK (I have managed to run for 3 months); however the ocean model does not appear to be receiving the precipitation field from the atmosphere (see attached plots for comparison – at vn11.4, the KPP precip minus evap. matches the UM P - E, whereas at vn12.1 it matches just -E).


Could you help me to diagnose where this has gone wrong?

Many thanks,

Where is u-cf309


Hi Grenville,

u-cf309 was run by Emma Howard; output from the last run is in her cylc-run directory on ARCHER2 at /work/n02/n02/emmah.

Best wishes,


Which fields (stash codes) go into calculating P minus E?


Hi Grenville,

Thanks for getting back to me.

For KPP:
P minus E at surface is output directly.
For the UM:
P is the sum of convective rainfall amount (m01s05i201), convective snowfall amount (m01s04i202), stratiform rainfall amount (m01s04i201), stratiform snowfall amount (m01s04i202).
E is the surface upward water flux (m01s03i223), which is the same as the evaporation over open sea (m01s03i232) and -1/L times the surface latent heat flux (m01s03i234).



It’s a bit hard to see what’s going on with only model failure to look at - do you have logs etc for the 3-month run?



It’s a bit hard to see what’s going on with only model failure to look at - do you have logs etc for the 3-month run?



It’s a bit hard to see what’s going on with only model failure to look at - do you have logs etc for the 3-month run?



It’s a bit hard to see what’s going on with only model failure to look at - do you have logs etc for the 3-month run?


Hi Grenville,

My apologies, I’ve set the working version of the suite u-da133 running again so you can see the log files.

Best wishes,

Hi Grenville,

Let me know whether there’s any more information I can provide. The 3 month simulation is all there now.



As we’ve traced the problem back to KPP not receiving the total precipitation field, we’d like to work out:
a) Is the UM outputting the correct precip fields to the coupler? All the STASH requests are there (in the “UPCOUP” usage profile), but is there a way to see what’s actually output during the model run?
b) If the answer to a) is yes, do the fields match the saved precip, or are they zero for some reason?
c) If the fields are correctly output by the UM, does Oasis read them in correctly?
d) If the Oasis reads them in correctly, why doesn’t KPP get them?

Could you please help us with steps a) (interrogating what fields are actually output to the coupler by the UM), c) (checking what the coupler receives), and d) (checking why KPP reads in 0)?

Many thanks,

Hi Dan

We are looking a this - it’s proving a bit of a challenge.


Thanks for the update, Grenville! Sorry it’s proving difficult. Let me know if there’s any way I can help.

Best wishes,

Hi Dan,

The atmosphere to ocean coupling variables are set in src/control/coupling/oasis3_puta2o.F90. It looks like the calculation of totalrain has been mangled with the upgrade of UM version.

Comparing the code block in Emma’s 11.4 suite to your 12.1 suite, there are a couple of lines missing which means the variable isn’t set properly:

  IF (l_train) THEN
    DO j=1,oasis_jmt
      DO i=1,oasis_imt
        rainls(i,j) = c_lsrain(i,j)
        IF (l_param_conv) THEN
          rainconv(i,j) = c_cvrain(i,j)
          rainconv(i,j) = 0.0
        END IF
        IF (l_ctile .AND. fland_loc(i,j) == 1.0) THEN
        ELSE IF (.NOT. l_ctile .AND. land(i,j)>0.99) THEN
-          totalrain(i,j,1)=0.0
-        ELSE
        END IF
      END DO
    END DO

Hopefully it should just be a case of fixing this in the vn12.1_vn12.1_metum-goml branch.


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Hi Annette,

Thanks so much for finding this! I can confirm that KPP is now correctly receiving the total rain.

Best wishes,

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