Problems transferring files to JASMIN

Hi all,
I am having trouble transferring data from ARCHER2 to JASMIN. It used to be working well, but pptransfer is now failing for both suites, u-db799 and u-db800. I checked that my credentials are ok (I renewed it to check).
The pptransfer runs but fails after a while. You can see the logs in
/home/n02/n02/pmonerie/cylc-run/u-db799/log/job/19971101T0000Z/pptransfer/07 for instance. The job is seeing the data and trying to transfer everything using gridFTP, but nothing is showing up on jasmin.

Hi Paul-Arthur,

I think it’s just connection issues to JASMIN looking in the log files. It’s starting to transfer but then gets a dropped connection. JASMIN is having some issues, possible they are not all fixed yet.

Some data has arrived on JASMIN today under /gws/nopw/j04/esiwace/u-db799/19971101T0000Z so I think the setup is fine. Please try resubmitting the task.


Hi Ros
I see. Yes, some of the data is being transfered to jasmin. I resubmitted the task twice today but it is still failing and I am only getting a very limited amount of data transfered. Do there are still issues on jasmin we are aware of?

The issue is fixed. I removed the directory in which pptransfer was trying to move the data and re-run the task. This solved the issue.

I have been able to move a few files from ARCHER2 to JASMIN. However, I am having a new issue. pptransfer is failing again returning this error message:

[WARN] [SUBPROCESS]: Command: globus-url-copy -vb -cd -r -rst -rst-retries 5 -cc 4 -verify-checksum -sync -cred /work/n02/n02/pmonerie/cred.jasmin /work/n02/n02/pmonerie/cylc-run/u-db799/share/cycle/19980501T0000Z/ gsi
[SUBPROCESS]: Error = 1:

error: Unable to check destination url for sync: gsi
globus_ftp_client: the server responded with an error
451 451-GlobusError: v=1 c=INTERNAL_ERROR
451-GridFTP-Errno: 107
451-GridFTP-Reason: System error in stat
451-GridFTP-Error-String: Transport endpoint is not connected
451 End.

I do not see ongoing maintenance or issues from the Archer2 service status.


Hi Paul-Arthur,

I think this is an issue with the JASMIN SOF storage which is where the esiwace GWS sits. JASMIN have announced an issue and are investigating. Please wait for that to be resolved and then try again.



Hi Ros
Thank you for your response. The website page now states that the issue (SOF storage) is now resolved. However, I am still having the same problem, transferring the data.
Just typing globus-url-copy -vb -cd -r -rst -rst-retries 5 -cc 4 -verify-checksum -sync -cred /work/n02/n02/pmonerie/cred.jasmin /work/n02/n02/pmonerie/cylc-run/u-db799/share/cycle/19980501T0000Z/ gsi in a terminal returns this error message:

error: Unable to check destination url for sync: gsi
globus_ftp_client: the server responded with an error
451 451-GlobusError: v=1 c=INTERNAL_ERROR
451-GridFTP-Errno: 107
451-GridFTP-Reason: System error in stat
451-GridFTP-Error-String: Transport endpoint is not connected
451 End.


Hi Paul-Arthur,

Can you try testing using the JASMIN transfer cache to see if it is GWS related or not?

If that still doesn’t work I’d suggest going back to basics and seeing if you can list your JASMIN home directory and then the GWS.

globus-url-copy -cred cred.jasmin -vb -list gsi

The gridftp pipeline from ARCHER2 to JASMIN is fine; my jobs are successfully gridftp’ing to JASMIN transfer cache with no problem.


Hi Ros,
I can transfer the data using XFC, it is working.
I can list my JASMIN home directory but not the GWS…

Hi Paul-Arthur,

Please contact the JASMIN support team, from what you say it looks to be a problem with the GWS.


Hi Paul-Arthur, Ros,

I’m just wondering if you managed to solve this issue, or heard back from JASMIN support? I’m currently having the same problem with pptransfer.



Hi Alistair
I haven’t had much time to send an email to JASMIN yet (I transferred the data using XFC and my simulations are finished). I will send an email today.

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