Pumanew.novalocal error message on puma2


Not a pressing issue but ever since the puma server switched again I’ve been getting an error message every 30 s or so when logged into puma:

ERROR: [Errno -2] Name or service not known: pumanew.novalocal

It doesn’t seem to have any effect but is extremely irritating! Is there a way of suppressing it, or removing it entirely? It’s quite frustrating when it pops up in the middle of scripts I’m editing in vim or similar.



You have one or more old puma cylc-run directories floating about on puma2 - delete them & the problem should go away - or if you don’t want to delete them, try just deleting the contact file:

rm ~/cylc-run/<suiteid>/.service/contact


Thanks Grenville - seems to have done the trick!

Hang on - spoke too soon. What should the contents of that file actually look like?

I also misinterpreted your original suggestion and deleted all the contact files… and now can’t connect to my running suites. doh. Suggestions?


try a rose suite-restart

if that doesn’t work, try a rose suite-run --restart (bear in mind this will load any changes to the suite since the last run)


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Thanks Grenville! We’re back up to speed…!

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