Rearrange files in job output directory

I’m running a version of HadGEM3-GC5 (u-dj227) for Pre-industrial (my running suite is u-dn501).

In the archiving directory, the outputs are saved in the folder corresponding to the job (defined by the running month). But in each folder, the list of files are different, mixing with UM, NEMO and SI3 outputs. See attached. I wonder whether there is a way (maybe in postproc ) to rearrange the archiving directory/files according to UM “use_name” and/or model name, for instance, put all .pg*.pp files for year 2032 to the folder “UM_pg_files” in the “2032” folder.

Thank you


Hi Xu,

This is not something postproc/pptransfer can do. You would need to rearrange the files yourself once they have been transferred to JASMIN.


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