Server has no HTTPS support, configure your global.rc file to use HTTP


I am using suite u-df991 on Jasmin, and when I type ‘rose suite-run’ I get:
[FAIL] Suite “u-df991” appears to be running:’
But when try to stop the suite I get:

[ash221@cylc1 u-df991]$ rose suite-shutdown
Really shutdown u-df991? [y or n (default)] y
ERROR: server has no HTTPS support, configure your global.rc file to use HTTP : [SSL: UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL] unknown protocol (_ssl.c:618)
‘Cannot issue commands over unsecured http.’
[FAIL] cylc shutdown u-df991 --force # return-code=1

I don’t know where my global.rc file is, and I’m not sure why this has happened. I am currently running other suites so I think this is a suite specific issue.

(Also, when I type ‘fcm ci’ I get
[FAIL] FCM::System::CM: required package cannot be loaded
[FAIL] Can’t locate XML/ in @INC (you may need to install the XML::Parser module) (@INC contains: /apps/jasmin/metomi/fcm-2021.05.0/bin/…/lib /apps/jasmin/community/esmvaltool/miniconda3_py311_23.11.0-2/envs/esmvaltool/lib/perl5/5.32/site_perl /apps/jasmin/community/esmvaltool/miniconda3_py311_23.11.0-2/envs/esmvaltool/lib/perl5/site_perl /apps/jasmin/community/esmvaltool/miniconda3_py311_23.11.0-2/envs/esmvaltool/lib/perl5/5.32/vendor_perl /apps/jasmin/community/esmvaltool/miniconda3_py311_23.11.0-2/envs/esmvaltool/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /apps/jasmin/community/esmvaltool/miniconda3_py311_23.11.0-2/envs/esmvaltool/lib/perl5/5.32/core_perl /apps/jasmin/community/esmvaltool/miniconda3_py311_23.11.0-2/envs/esmvaltool/lib/perl5/core_perl .) at /apps/jasmin/metomi/fcm-2021.05.0/bin/…/lib/FCM/System/CM/ line 34.
[FAIL] BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /apps/jasmin/metomi/fcm-2021.05.0/bin/…/lib/FCM/System/CM/ line 34.
[FAIL] Compilation failed in require at /apps/jasmin/metomi/fcm-2021.05.0/bin/…/lib/FCM/System/ line 34.
[FAIL] BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /apps/jasmin/metomi/fcm-2021.05.0/bin/…/lib/FCM/System/ line 34.
[FAIL] Compilation failed in require at (eval 31) line 1.

I’m not sure if this is related, but I can’t seem to use fcm on any of my suites in jasmin. I’m happy to start another topic about this if needed.)

Thank you!


I also got this message


on kill the cylc-run process -
ps -flu <yiur jasmin username> | grep df991

you will see something like

(base) glister@cylc1$ ps -flu glister | grep df991
0 S glister   8209  2016  0  80   0 - 28203 pipe_w 11:20 pts/23   00:00:00 grep --color=auto df991
0 S glister   9073     1  0  80   0 - 100503 poll_s 11:04 pts/23  00:00:01 /usr/bin/python2 -m rose.config_editor.main -C /home/users/glister/roses/u-df991
1 S glister  18197     1  0  80   0 - 339109 poll_s 11:06 ?       00:00:05 /usr/bin/python2 /apps/jasmin/metomi/cylc-7.8.14/bin/cylc-run u-df991

kill <process id> (in this case I used kill 18197).

I had no problem with fcm on cylc1.jasmin – make sure your .bash_profile is configured correctly with
export PATH=/apps/jasmin/metomi/bin:$PATH
