Suite u-ct529 not gettng past BUILD stage

I recently changed a suite to build rather than use a pre-built exec (that was in hlburns arcehr2 space).
I need to link to drhook library so have to build a new exec.

however, initially I saw a problem with “moo” commands in the:
so turned off _arch flags and disable that moo line with a hashtag

and then I see a message about fcflags so I might have not got the invocation right for drhook

markr@pumanew:~/cylc-run/u-ct529/log.20230203T125014Z/job/20151129T0000Z/fcm_make_um/01>cat job.err
[FAIL] env=fcflags_overrides: fcflags: unbound variable
2023-02-03T12:50:31Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT
markr@pumanew:~/cylc-run/u-ct529/log.20230203T125014Z/job/20151129T0000Z/fcm_make_um/01>cat job.out
Suite : u-ct529
Task Job : 20151129T0000Z/fcm_make_um/01 (try 1)
User@Host: markr@pumanew.novalocal

2023-02-03T12:50:30Z INFO - started
[INFO] Configuration: /home/markr/cylc-run/u-ct529/app/fcm_make_um/
[INFO] file: rose-app.conf
[INFO] optional key: (ncas-cray-ex)


I’m guessing a bit, but

fcflags_overrides = -I/work/y07/shared/umshared/drhook/cce/vn1.2/include $fcflags

looks a bit odd - maybe delete the extra $fcflags


Thanks Grenville! It seems to be running now (even the recon generated drhook logs so far.)
