Umui - windows not popping up


I am trying to use for the first time puma2 and umui. I have followed the steps from here:

I can open the umui window and I can see my old experiments. However, when clicking “open read write”, no window is popping up.

I am getting the following error message:

Error in startup script: couldn’t read file “/home/annette/bin/umui/setcols.tcl”: no such file or directory
while executing
“source /home/annette/bin/umui/setcols.tcl”
(“eval” body line 1)
invoked from within
“eval $line”
(procedure “set_appearances” line 91)
invoked from within
“set_appearances $application”
(file “/home/n02/n02/umui/umui/ghui2.0/vn1.1/tcl/edit_job.tcl” line 50)

I am using a different user name. My old user name in pumatest was im13009. My new user is irealm37.

Many thanks in advance,

Irene Malmierca.

Hi Irene,

The files have now been put centrally under /home/n02/n02/umui/bin.
Please update the paths in the your .umui_appearance file


Thank Ros,
It is now working.
