Using ILAMB on CEDA JASMIN with u-bb897

My copy of the ILAMB suite on Jasmine is u-cr183. I want to use ILAMB to compare my different model configurations with observations.

Please, I want to know if there are other files or any updated suite I need to be aware of. Currently, I am experiencing the attached errors (requiring me to link my codes to a compatible netcdf C library) as shown below.

Thanks for your kind assistance.

Also, the ending error message is as shown below

Hi Assumpta:
Looking at this quickly, I think you probably need to do a module load jaspy/2.7 either before starting the suite on cylc1 or in the suite itself somewhere. Does that help?

Hi Patrick,
Thanks for your suggestion. I have tried it already.
So in the suite.rc file, I have tried to change ‘module load jaspy’ to ‘module load jaspy/3.7/r20210320’ and also tried changing to ‘module load jaspy/2.7/r20190715’. In both cases, I still get a similar error of compatible netcdf library.

Hi Assumpta:
I don’t have access to your JULES input data as it’s in the hydrojules GWS, so I can’t look at that aspect of it.

Have you tried to run the suite with RUN_ILAMB_PRE_PROC=true ? If the suite has never been run with that set to true, then there would be problems with the RUN_ILAMB step, which is the 2nd step in the process. This u-bb897 suite mainly had the set up for running with RUN_ILAMB_PRE_PROC=false, after it had previously been run with RUN_ILAMB_PRE_PROC=true.

And if you give us read permission to your home directory and subdirectories, I could take a look at your setup and log files. You can do this with:
chmod -R g+rX /home/users/assumpta/

If you have anything private or confidential, you might want to change back the read access on those items.

Hi again, Assumpta:
Also, your error log suggests that it’s missing the file called regions.txt, since I had been running u-bb897 in my local installation on JASMIN for certain regions of the world. I think the checked-in suite u-bb897 is missing that, too. I will fix that. One way to fix it for your installation is to:
cp -p ~pmcguire/roses/u-bb897/app/run_ilamb/file/regions.txt ~assumpta/roses/u-cr183/app/run_ilamb/file/.

Does that help?

Hi Assumpta
Is it working better now?

Hi Patrick,
Thanks for your assistance and suggestions.
I am actually finding it difficult to use the rose suites however, I have found another alternative way to run ilamb directly on Jasmin for my gridded model output, which works fine for me. So, I will continue using this other route.


Thanks, Assumpta
I appreciate the feedback. Did you have further problems besides those discussed above with ILAMB with the suite? What is your alternative way to run ILAMB directly on JASMIN?

Thanks, Patrick.
The alternative way was to run ILAMB directly on JASMIN following the tutorial here First Steps — ILAMB 2.6 documentation and it worked for me.


Hi Assumpta:
So you installed ILAMB yourself? Congratulations on successfully doing that.

Can you also try the suggestions I gave about how to fix your problems with the ILAMB Rose/Cylc suite u-bb897? The suggestions were not too difficult. I am interested in finding out if this suite can work for you or not.

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