The UM suite u-cq224 which has been running smoothly when submitted earlier from pumatest is giving the following error while I try submitting the job now from pumanew. This is the first time I am attempting a UM suite submission after the migration to the pumanew.
[INFO] symlink: rose-conf/20230210T142832-run.version <= log/rose-suite-run.version
[INFO] REGISTERED u-cq224 → /home/eartfr/cylc-run/u-cq224
[FAIL] rsync -a --exclude=.* --timeout=1800 --rsh=ssh\ -oBatchMode=yes --exclude=2aea6b66-8a08-421b-a40b-0a9c8f2c973c --exclude=log/2aea6b66-8a08-421b-a40b-0a9c8f2c973c --exclude=share/2aea6b66-8a08-421b-a40b-0a9c8f2c973c --exclude=share/cycle/2aea6b66-8a08-421b-a40b-0a9c8f2c973c --exclude=work/2aea6b66-8a08-421b-a40b-0a9c8f2c973c --exclude=/.* --exclude=/cylc-suite.db --exclude=/log --exclude=/log.* --exclude=/state --exclude=/share --exclude=/work ./ tfrancis@login.archer2.ac.uk:cylc-run/u-cq224 # return-code=255, stderr=
[FAIL] Host key verification failed.
[FAIL] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
[FAIL] rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.2]
My pumanew user name: eartfr
My archer2 user name: tfrancis
best regards,