FLUXNET and LBA driving data for JULES suite

HI Patrick,

Hope you’re well. I’m trying to get a copy of Karina’s suites to run which uses fluxnet and lba data. I presumably need to register with lba/fluxnet but am wondering if karina is using the data in the format they provided or has it been reformatted?

The suite is looking for files like:




Hi Nicola:

The data is reformatted. It should run fine on JASMIN with the u-al752 suite. The driving data is there, with environment variables defined in the suite.

If you need further help, let me know.


Hi Patrick

I’m trying to run it on the Met office system. Is it ok if I just copy it over?



Hi Nicola:

The same u-al752 suite runs on Monsoon at the Met Office.

The driving data for Monsoon is linked in the suite to the path SUITE_DATA=‘/projects/intimp/kwilliam/data_for_suite_u-al752’.

The environment variables in the suite are set as:


But if you want to copy the JASMIN setup, I can help you with that too.


Hi Patrick

I was hoping to actually run it on the met office hpc not monsoon or jasmin (rose-suite.conf.METO). (/projects/intimp/kwilliam is monsoon). It seems there is a version of Karina’s suite that she’s set up to do this but the sub directory (below flux_data directory) she has stated as containing the forcing data no longer exists.

I’m initially only interested in k34 driving data but it seems sensible to use the same formatted data or at least the same code to reformat the original data. I don’t necessarily even need to run the flux comparison data either – though that would be optimal.

Hi Patrick

Am I best to use /gws/nopw/j04/jules/pmcguire/fluxnet/kwilliam/suite_data/vn1.3 or



Hi Nicola:

The testvn1.4 is just a modified copy (by me) of vn1.3 that adds NEON sites to the suite.

So if you’re using a near-latest version (since about 15 months ago) of the u-al752 suite, it should be able to handle both versions if you’re not running with NEON sites.

If you want to select certain sites that aren’t NEON sites, you can define SUBSET= ‘selection’ and then define selected_sites.

If you’re using an older version of the u-al752 suite that doesn’t include NEON capability, then vn1.3 should be fine.

If you need further help, let me know.


Hi Nic
Is this suite working for you now?

Hi Patrick
Yes the suite is working. Thanks

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