Metadata error

@Luke, @emxin
I can still access Monsoon internally, and have copied the files to /work/n02/n02/mdalvi/ancil/reynolds/v2.1, but would prefer them to be placed in a central location.
Best Wishes

I don’t think I have the permissions on the $UMDIR/ukca/ancil/n96e/reynolds directory to copy them centrally.

@Grenville - would you (or another person with permissions) be able to copy these files?

Many thanks and best wishes,

Hi @mdalvi

Please give us read permission on your /work space -

umshared@ln02:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/ancil/n96e/reynolds> ls /work/n02/n02/mdalvi/ancil/reynolds/
ls: cannot access '/work/n02/n02/mdalvi/ancil/reynolds/': Permission denied


Hi Grenville,

I have run chmod -R og+rx on the folders, although this has not changed the drwxr-sr-x flags See if you can access now.

Hi Mohit

still can’t access - pl do this:

chmod -R g+rX /work/n02/n02/USERNAME


missing username !

chmod -R g+rX /work/n02/n02/USERNAME

Ah, one level above - I have run the command now, see if the files can be accessed.


umshared@ln02:/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/ancil/n96e/reynolds> ls v2.1/
reynolds_seaice_201401-202312.anc  reynolds_sst_201401-202312.anc


Hi all,

Could you please check if the following paths are correct on ARCHER2:
for sea ice,
and for SST,


Do you mean:


That data has been lodged centrally:

/work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/ancil/n96e/reynolds/v2.1> ls 
reynolds_seaice_201401-202312.anc  reynolds_sst_201401-202312.anc

It seems they both work using


Thanks for your help.


Hi there,

The job (u-dh642) in which new seaice and sst files included failed with a buffin error (below). But I have no idea what caused the falure or if it was related to the new ancilaries (the old job without these changes worked fine). May be it is a small problem, please help. Thanks

Error code: 24
? Error from routine: io:buffin
? Error message: Error in buffin errorCode= 1.00 len=0/256
? Error from processor: 0
? Error number: 64


Hi Xin,

The actual UM model output / log which can contain more information on errors is found in ~/cylc-run/(suite-id)/work/(date-time)/atmos_main/pe_output/(job).fort6.peXXX.

~emxin/cylc-run/u-dh642/work/20190101T0000Z/atmos_main/pe_output/dh642.fort6.pe000 says:

---File States --------------------------
Unit  32 open on filename /work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/ancil/n96e/reynolds/v2.1/reynolds_seaice_201401-202312.anc
--> File Type:   1 , Read Only: T , Write Only: F
--> Local: T AllLocal: F Remote: F Broadcast: T
--> Local: T AllLocal: F Remote: F Broadcast: T
Unit  33 open on filename /work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca/ancil/n96e/reynolds/v2.1/
--> File Type:   1 , Read Only: T , Write Only: F
--> Local: T AllLocal: F Remote: F Broadcast: T
--> Local: T AllLocal: F Remote: F Broadcast: T
e[?4md File States ----------------------

???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!       ERROR        ???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!
?  Error code: 24
?  Error from routine: io:buffin
?  Error message: Error in buffin errorCode= 1.00 len=0/256
?  Error from processor: 0
?  Error number: 64

So, while the Reynolds seaice file has been opened correctly, the sst file is actually missing the filename - the ‘ancilfilename=’ only contains the directory.

Oh, I saw the problem. Thank you Mohit.


Hi Mohit,

My job (u-dh780) failed again but for a different reason (see below).
? Error code: 204
? Error from routine: UP_ANCIL

By checking the output file dh780.fort6.pe000 under ~/cylc-run/u-dh780/work/20190101T0000Z/atmos_main/pe_output, I saw a warning message:
? Warning from routine: REPLANCA
? Warning message: Ancillary time mean lookup items 1-12 are not compliant with UMDP F03. Field no: 4

A further check of the log file telling me this could be related to the some ancillary files (apart from sea ice and sst, see below), as they only cover the period 1979-2014, while I am running for year 2019/2020. If this is the case, then could you or somebody please copy them to ARCHER2? Thanks!

Ancillary file 3 unit 34 : /work/n02/n02/waltonj/ancil/u-by791/u-by791_m01s00i216_1979-2014_annual_timeseries_land_cover_frac.anc
IO: Open: /work/n02/n02/waltonj/ancil/u-by791/u-by791_m01s00i216_1979-2014_annual_timeseries_land_cover_frac.anc on unit 34
Unspecified calendar type in ancillary file 3

Ancillary file 4 unit 35 : /work/n02/n02/waltonj/ancil/u-by791/u-by791_m01s00i217_1979-2014_monthly_climatology_LAI.anc
IO: Open: /work/n02/n02/waltonj/ancil/u-by791/u-by791_m01s00i217_1979-2014_monthly_climatology_LAI.anc on unit 35
Unspecified calendar type in ancillary file 4

Ancillary file 5 unit 36 : /work/n02/n02/waltonj/ancil/u-by791/u-by791_m01s00i218_1979-2014_time_mean_canopy_height.anc
IO: Open: /work/n02/n02/waltonj/ancil/u-by791/u-by791_m01s00i218_1979-2014_time_mean_canopy_height.anc on unit 36
Unspecified calendar type in ancillary file 5

Ancillary file 6 unit 37 : /work/n02/n02/waltonj/ancil/MEDUSA/clims/by791/CHL/CHL_clim_by791_1979_2014_n96.anc
IO: Open: /work/n02/n02/waltonj/ancil/MEDUSA/clims/by791/CHL/CHL_clim_by791_1979_2014_n96.anc on unit 37
Unspecified calendar type in ancillary file 6

Ancillary file 7 unit 38 : /work/n02/n02/waltonj/ancil/MEDUSA/clims/by791/DMS/DMS_clim_by791_1979_2014_n96.anc
IO: Open: /work/n02/n02/waltonj/ancil/MEDUSA/clims/by791/DMS/DMS_clim_by791_1979_2014_n96.anc on unit 38
Unspecified calendar type in ancillary file 7


Hi Xin,

From the discussion above, I assumed you were using a copy of u-de170, which is already setup to run beyond 2015 with ssp-370 forcing/ emissions?
In that suite only the SST/seaice files needed to be replaced as they contained data upto 2019.
Pl. start from a suite already setup for a ‘future’ scenario as there are chances of inconsistency in forcings and emissions if a historical suite is converted by hand.


Hi Mohit,

No, in the above run, I did not copy suite u-de170, which probably explained why I got the the annillary problem (I will test that suite later).

As recommended by Luke, I copied suite u-dd451 and then updated sst and seaice ancillary file for year 2019. The new error message seems still ancillary file related (see below), it seems they have not been movd to ARCHER2 (Please correct me if this is not the case).

8 Atmos Ancillaries to be updated.
Anc field 1 Stash code 31 Interval 1 Days
Anc field 2 Stash code 24 Interval 1 Days

Ancillary file 1 unit 32 :
OPEN: Ignored Request to Open File for Reading
****************** IO Error Report ***********************************
Unit Generating error= 32
*** File states can be reported by setting diagnostic output levels **
IO: Failure to open file:
****************** IO Error Report ***********************************
Unit Generating error= 32
—File States --------------------------
—End File States ----------------------

? Error code: 1
? Error from routine: io:file_open
? Error message: Failed to open file
? Error from processor: 0


Hi Xin,

In your suite (u-dh809?) the ‘‘ancilfilename=’’ corresponding to SST (stash_req=24) and Seacie (stash_req=31,32) both are blank. Where have you specified the names of the Reynolds files?


Hi Mohit,

You are right, the sst and seaice ancillary files are not in the copied suite (u-dh809) which is strange to me and I donot know why they are not there. However, after searching, I still could not find useful message regading how to fix the problem, namely how to add thses ancillary files via the app or wihtin the GUI page. Please help, thanks!
