NEMO suite failing at building stage


Sorry to bother you, but I am having trouble with one of my suites, which ran previously but is now failing to build. It is a NEMO suite, u-dg710, which is a direct copy of my original u-ba251. This used to run absolutely fine, but I haven’t tried it for a couple of years so presumably the infrastructure has changed in the meantime? I am running it on MONSOON2, the same as I previously did.

It is failing at the fcm_make_ocean and fcm_make_pp stages, apparently simultaneously. I can’t see any obvious error in the former, but the latter has:

[FAIL] svn: E000110: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ‘svn://’
[FAIL] svn: E000110: Can’t connect to host ‘’: Connection timed out

which makes me wonder if it is actually a PUMA issue i.e. it is trying to connect to the old version?

Incidentally, in case you are wondering why I am running a NEMO suite, the point of this is not to actually run the model but just generate the mesh_mask files which are needed to create the coupling weights. I expect it to crash at the first timestep of the nemo_cice stage, which is absolutely fine as long as it creates these mesh_mask files. But at the moment, it isn’t even getting this far.

Thanks a lot,


Hi Charlie

There is no longer a svn://

Please try switching off Post Processing (under suite conf-> Build and run) & run again (clutching at straws here)


Thanks very much. I just tried that, and although fcm_make_pp no longer appears (and therefore doesn’t fail), fcm_make_ocean still fails after ~4 minutes.



There’s some problem getting cice branches from jwalton, but on removing those and using fcm:cice.xm for the cice_project_location, the model builds and runs (briefly) to create mesh and weight files (see /home/d03/gmslis/cylc-run/u-dg710/work/19760101T0000Z/nemo_cice) - My copy of u-dg710 is in /home/d03/gmslis/roses/u-dg710.


Thanks very much Grenville, I will take a look at your copy right now. Is it just a case of changing my copy to match yours i.e. making your changes, and it should work for me as well?


For once, I have answered my own question: yes. So my version is now identical to yours, and it builds the mesh mask files as it should.

Many thanks,


glad it’s worked


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