Porting ancillary suite to ARCHER2?


Further to our conversation here (see thread dated 3 July), I have now ascertained from Monsoon2 that they cannot retrieve my existing suite (u-ar826) and that there is no alternative.

I am therefore now working with Sebastien Steinig ( here: @sebsteinig ), to try to port our existing, 7-year-old version (which you said had all out of date PBS options), u-ar826@65219, to a new machine. The suite was originally set up to run on Monsoon1, and then I used it on NEXCS (basically the same), but it might be more worthwhile to port this straight to ARCHER2, because firstly this is where we will be running it going forward and secondly other users that come after us might only have access to ARCHER2. Although if this is much harder to do, getting it working on Monsoon2 would be an acceptable compromise.

We are currently looking into how to do this, and wondered if this is something you would be able to support? I realise this is fairly low priority for you, which is completely understandable, but any help you can provide would be much appreciated. We are currently working out how best to do this e.g. either use the existing suite and try to get it running on ARCHER2, or use an existing ARCHER2 suite (that works) and transfer over the code, presumably written in Python, into it.

Thanks very much,



there is an official suite, the Regional Nesting Suite (u-by395), which has been ported to archer2.
You can see the site files here:

There are lots of apps here, and the options (slurm not PBS) are valid; so perhaps you could copy and paste the bits you need for your ancilliary suite? It has ANTS and the CAP, so although I’m not familiar with your suite, if I’ve not misunderstood you can hopefully use things that are already on Archer2 by copying this???


Thanks very much indeed Dave, I will take a look at this ASAP and get back to you with any possible questions.
