What is the simplest suite to set up atmos only on ARCHER2

Hello CMS helpdesk,
I’d like to try a config to confirm that I can run from PUMA2. Really simplest 1 node case would be best for the short 20min queue. Most recent vn13.x as well please.
Then I will try the UKCA test case supplied by Mohit (however that needs to be converted to archer2 and likely needs extra ancils as it is vn13.5)

What would you suggest, please?

I have checked out some rose suites and copied some others
u-dg958: UM13.3 N96L85 UKCA Test Suite - net yet Archer2
u-cy010: ros’ suite so refs to her username in it. oops
u-dg981 : copy of cy010; changing “ros” to mricha
u-dg950 : UM13.5 N96L85 UKCA Test Suite - not yet Archer2


Okay, I found section 3 of online tutorial and have copied u-cc519 to u-dg993 and will continue to follow the tutorial.
3. Running a UM suite on ARCHER2 — NCAS Unified Model Introduction
The HPC_SERIAL task appears in the slurm queue as running.

Wed Jun 12 12:14:57 2024
6742300 serial u-dg993. mricha RUNNING 2:44 3:00:00 1 dvn01

SO I hope this is a good sign.

However, the other part of this query is to ask for help to get the UKCA suite u-dg950 for vn13.5 ported to Archer2.

thanks for looking,

The tutorial case appears to have run okay for a 9hour simulation on 2 nodes. was very quick.
I was able to inspect the pe_output too.


We don’t yet have UM 13.5 installed on ARCHER2. It’s on our list to do.


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okay. Thanks for the reply.

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