Porting HadGEM3 suite to ARCHER2


We need to run some palaeoclimate HadGEM3 experiments on ARCHER2 for various projects. Ideally, we’d really like to use the Pre-Industrial GC5.0 HadGEM3 suite at N96 ORCA1 UM13.2 (u-dc464) as our base suite. Even more ideal, would be this suite upgraded to UM13.3! Would it be possible for this suite to be ported to ARCHER2? This would be really helpful.

It is a cylc8 suite and also uses the ozone redistribution scheme. We’d like to have the option of using the ozone redistribution scheme, but if this is problematic, we could probably switch it off.

Many thanks,

Hi Xu

We are looking into this.


Hi Xu

u-dj927 is an ARCHER2 version of u-dc464. The full workflow ran for many cycles. It does not include ozone redistribution yet.

I made an attempt upgrade the UM and build apps to 13.3, but the build failed - we may need to be more specific about the upgrade. I have emailed separately.

We currently do not support the web cylc GUI on puma2 for general use, so you will need to use the tui (terminal user interface) until we have the full system working.

The suite uses gridftp to transfer data to JASMIN - if you want to do that, see Configuring PPTransfer for set up information.

One or two pointers on how to use cylc8 are here: Cylc 8 on PUMA2 and ARCHER2


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Upgraded to um13.3 and committed. We are looking at ozone redistribution.


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