Postproc error: Annual mean


I am running UKESM1-AMIP with DUST Iodine (Suite: u-cr649). I am trying to run this for 6years starting from dec2009. It runs well for a few months. Initially, I found an error in postproc

ValueError: Incorrect size for fixed length header; given 0 words but should be 256.

A similar error was reported on CMS:
Postproc: ValueError: Incorrect size for fixed length header; given 0 words but should be 256 - Unified Model - NCAS Modelling Support
I followed the cms helpdesk suggestions and that sorted the problem.

Later, another set of errors appears in postproc

[ERROR] Seasonal mean for Summer 2010 not possible as only got 1 file(s):
[FAIL] Command Terminated
[ERROR] Seasonal mean for Autumn 2010 not possible as only got 1 file(s):
Which I sorted with the help of Postproc_cice missing file for seasonal mean - #5 by lmarshall

Now, I am getting again error in postproc with the annual mean calculation. The job.error file has following information.

[WARN] Iris Module is not available
[WARN] Component(s) of the requested mean file are already in pp format:
[WARN] Continuing. cr649a.ps2010son is assumed to have been created successfully.
[ERROR] Annual mean for year ending November 2010 not possible as only got 2 file(s):
/work/n02/n02/alok/cylc-run/u-cr649/share/data/History_Data/cr649a.ps2010djf, /work/n02/n02/alok/cylc-run/u-cr649/share/data/History_Data/cr649a.ps2010jja
[FAIL] Command Terminated
[FAIL] Terminating PostProc…
[FAIL] atmos <<‘STDIN__’
[FAIL] ‘STDIN__’ # return-code=1
2022-11-08T14:42:26Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT

I have checked the directory: /work/n02/n02/alok/cylc-run/u-cr649/share/data/History_Data and don’t find cr649a.ps2010mam file.

I think, this problem appears as I have deleted files with 0 lengths earlier to fix postproc error ValueError: Incorrect size for fixed length header; given 0 words but should be 256. How can I fix this problem?

Regards, Alok

Dear CMS,

I have resubmitted the suite (u-cr649) and got an almost similar error again. I initially thought I have deleted the .ps files to get rid of the error caused due to zero-length files, but that is not the case. Actually, the model is not able to produce the seasonal mean files and that later does not allow the model to proceed further.
The path of the error file on ‘pumanew’ is:

I have taken a copy of the u-cr649 and created a new suite (u-cr838) and switched off many diagnostics but that is also failing with a similar error.
The path of the job.err file is

Is there any way to manually do postproc or /and allow model to not produce the seasonal and annual means?

Regards, Alok

Hi Alok,

If you don’t want the means you can turn them off in panel postproc → atmosphere → file transformation
