I am running UKESM1-AMIP with DUST Iodine (Suite: u-cr649). I am trying to run this for 6years starting from dec2009. It runs well for a few months. Initially, I found an error in postproc
ValueError: Incorrect size for fixed length header; given 0 words but should be 256.
A similar error was reported on CMS:
Postproc: ValueError: Incorrect size for fixed length header; given 0 words but should be 256 - Unified Model - NCAS Modelling Support
I followed the cms helpdesk suggestions and that sorted the problem.
Later, another set of errors appears in postproc
[ERROR] Seasonal mean for Summer 2010 not possible as only got 1 file(s):
[FAIL] Command Terminated
[ERROR] Seasonal mean for Autumn 2010 not possible as only got 1 file(s):
Which I sorted with the help of Postproc_cice missing file for seasonal mean - #5 by lmarshall
Now, I am getting again error in postproc with the annual mean calculation. The job.error file has following information.
[WARN] Iris Module is not available
[WARN] Component(s) of the requested mean file are already in pp format:
[WARN] Continuing. cr649a.ps2010son is assumed to have been created successfully.
[ERROR] Annual mean for year ending November 2010 not possible as only got 2 file(s):
/work/n02/n02/alok/cylc-run/u-cr649/share/data/History_Data/cr649a.ps2010djf, /work/n02/n02/alok/cylc-run/u-cr649/share/data/History_Data/cr649a.ps2010jja
[FAIL] Command Terminated
[FAIL] Terminating PostProc…
[FAIL] main_pp.py atmos <<‘STDIN__’
[FAIL] ‘STDIN__’ # return-code=1
2022-11-08T14:42:26Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT
I have checked the directory: /work/n02/n02/alok/cylc-run/u-cr649/share/data/History_Data and don’t find cr649a.ps2010mam file.
I think, this problem appears as I have deleted files with 0 lengths earlier to fix postproc error ValueError: Incorrect size for fixed length header; given 0 words but should be 256. How can I fix this problem?
Regards, Alok