Referencing Rose apps within subdirectories

While playing around with some of the Rose suite examples I’ve become unstuck with how to reference (point to) rose apps within subdirectories. Looking at an analogous configuration for metadata it is possible to reference rose-meta.conf contained with subdirectories by including an import statement at the top-level rose-meta.conf file.

 |- rose-meta.conf      <- top-level meta-file
 |- config1/
 |       |- rose-meta.conf
 |- config2/
 |       |- rose-meta.conf

Referencing the meta files in config1 and config2 can be achieved be adding import=meta/config1 meta/meto meta/config2 to the top-level meta file. (See also Configuration Metadata — Rose Documentation 2.1.0 documentation)

So, I’m curious to know whether similar behaviour can be done for the apps directory. For example, if were to group together related apps into a subdirectory, how to reference these so they appear within the rose edit as sub-panels?

 |- config_apps/
 |       |- rose-app.conf
 |       |- alpha
 |       |      |- rose-app.conf
 |       |
 |       |- omega
 |             |- rose-app.conf
 |- util_apps/
 |       |- rose-app.conf
 |       |- delta
 |       |      |- rose-app.conf
 |       |
         |- gamma
               |- rose-app.conf

I’ve tried adding an import statement at the top-level rose-app.conf files within each sub-directory but this has no effect. At present, only the top-level directories config_apps and util_apps appear in the rose edit GUI. If I move the directories alpha, omega, delta and gamma to be all under app/ directory then they appear in the rose edit GUI ordered alphabetically.

For me, the user guide is not clear on how this can be done. The user guide has some details on using optional rose-app.conf files but that is not quite what I am seeking as they refer to an opt directory within the app’s directory (Optional Configurations — Rose Documentation 2.1.0 documentation). I’m thinking that there must be a configuration setting that I’m missing out on.

So I’m casting my net into a different pool of knowledge.

On a more general note, apart from this website, are there any other forums where rose/cylc is discussed?



“Casting a light into the four dark corners.”

Hi Andrew,

As far as I am aware you cannot do this. Rose expects each separate app to be a directory directly under the <suite>/app directory and the /app/<app-name> top-level directory must contain the rose-app.conf file


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Cylc has it’s own dedicated Discourse forum:
Rose questions can also be asked on the Cylc forum.

Thank you for the web link to the Cylc Discourse forum.

The answer to my query is still the same - No. However, I did learn that the current rose edit interface is due to be replaced. BUT, currently, there is no timeline for when this will happen